I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

i will see them when i get there..

dear diary,
i am very sleepy today because i slept at 3am last night. i was doing my history reading when pizza text me. she asked if she could call me to talk. she was feeling sad and down so i knew she had to talk to someone. she called and we talked for 3 hours and i had to put my reading on hold. pizza talked to me about her family affairs and i just listened to her predicaments giving her my piece of mind when necessary.
the thing about pizza is, she is sensitive and thus she feels easily affected by what people say or do to her even when they meant well. she had a few brushes with me but since we are cousins, i do not really take to heart what happened between us and i forget abt the brushes. pizza is a nice person and a good cousin who is understanding with people but she often let herself be a victim to people sometimes careless comments and opinions indirectly hurting her confidence. i was very closed with her when we were growing up. i felt comfortable with her that i used to share everything and anything with her.
she's a year older than me and that makes us share almost the same wavelength on anything except for a few differences in opinions. things were a little different after she got married but we remain close despite meeting less, however we take every opportunity to catch up whenever we get to meet. she told me that she's sad i'm leaving soon but she's happy for me because she knows that's what i have always wanted in life. chicken pie called last night and we talked a bit. she was at some place accompanying her cousin for her futsal training. she didn't join the training cos she was not well. i was kinda surprise when she told me she participates in the training sometimes.
i never thought that chicken pie would play a sport especially futsal. it's a good surprise though so at least i know she's sporty too. i have always thought futsal to be a sport for lesbians. many of my friends in malaysia play futsal and they are all people like me. futsal is not so popular here in singapore although i have heard and seen banners for futsal players recruitment. i guess it does not receive much public support due to lack of publicity. it's the women's soccer that's popular here and yes, the players are 99 percent lesbians, butch to be exact. chicken pie agrees with me that futsal is probably the unofficial sport for lesbians. she told me there are many girls during the tournament and training sessions and i was thinking i probably should join any futsal club to play so i can know those girls.
having many girlfriends is harmless so long as you know your boundaries. i have one person on my mind that i want to meet. i've never really known her but we've had a couple of interesting chat sessions. she's attached so i guess she's safe to meet. she gave me a couple of her pictures and i can tell she's that kind of girls with heels, short skirts, tube and spaghetti strap tops with body to die for. *winks* sounds sexy? well...i don't know but i like to watch girls like that but only for viewing of course and not for keeps. she gave me her number and asked me to call her whenever i'm in KL. i will do just that when i am there for good!! *chuckles*

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