I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, July 3, 2005

it's coming true now...

dear diary,
it is true that people say you can plan but ultimately it is all in his hands. i planned to be there in January 2006 but the school called me yesterday and i had to spontaneously change my plan to july this year which is now. it is rather a rush for me but i think i have made the right decision. i have discussed it with my parents and they have agreed to allow me to leave at such a short notice.
dad seemed reluctant and is worried about something while mum seemed cool and relax but i knew she is hiding her worries. i have to call the school again tomorrow to ask if i can register on the 16th of july. class commences on the 12th of july but it looks like i have to miss classes for 3 weeks cos i'll only be able to start class on 1st august since i still have to work till end july. i wonder what will my boss feel since he only expects me to leave by december this year.
oh boy, breaking the news to him seems to be the hardest thing to do. i still can't believe it diary. my dream has come true and the day i have been waiting for all my life is here. my driving test is on 29th of july, i think i am going to need to do some Sunnat Hajat prayer. i need to get my license by end of july and book the car immediately. i have to call the school to arrange for my accomodation. looks like i have to put up at the school hostel temporarily before i am able to get a suitable place for myself. i still can't believe it, i still can't believe that the day is finally here. everybody is excited for me diary. i broke the news to little sister and she was so happy that she started to think how would it be like when we meet. i began to having some imaginations of my own as well. i told chicken pie about the news and yes she was excited for me too. she started to tell me that we could hang out at some mamak sidewalk cafes for supper. haa!! see, i have started to speak like malaysian already. nobody says mamak in singapore. well, if a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.

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