I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, July 31, 2005

i'm finally doing it...

Dear diary,
I have so many things to tell that I could not even recall what do I want to tell. There are so many stories to share nowadays especially when I am in a different country away from my family for the first time. I have to admit that it is not that far from home being away in kuala lumpur but being homesick is something undeniable. I have been busy running errands for myself.
Making sure that I have all the documents required to enroll for the classes and to make sure that I am not late for school. I have been sleep deprived and I can see that my eyes are becoming bloodshot, my face shows signs that I am tired and I get sleepy when the night is still young. I am a little disorganise with my timetable right now but I have promised myself to get back on my feet. Being in kuala lumpur for a different purpose other than holiday is totally a new experience for me. Usually I would be shopping or busy making appointments with my friends to meet up for coffee or tea but this time, I am busy getting myself acquainted with the shool system of a college in another country. I am busy getting myself acquainted with the people in the college. I see them all diary.
I have heard so much about how the students in the college are likely to behave. I saw the girls who are vain, snobbish and proud. They speak english with a fake accent trying to make it sound natural. They dress to kill to go to college and for a second I thought to myself did they go into college to study or to get cheap publicity the easiest way? They are like bimbos who talk about things irrelevant to the subject they are studying in class. I was assigned to this group of students for group work and we ended up not doing the questions because the students in the group were too busy talking about how their lip gloss smell like champainge and we had another girl who said hers taste like beer. We also had one girl who talked about where she bought her school from and it makes me sick.
I can’t fit in into those kind of people and I just feel suffocated with them. They are just no the type of people I mix with. I wold rather be in a cage full of orang utans than people like them, at least orang utans can be entertaining in a very genuine way.

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