I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, July 8, 2005

retains that youthful glow

dear diary,
have i told you i bought one bottle of collagen matrix from nature's farm? it cost 178 bucks for 900 tablets. it's worth the price considering that it gives about 5-6 months supply of wellness to yourself. it contains ingredients that can enhance your beauty from within, like collagen 1,2,3 and a few other vitamins all in one. i have read about collagen and what it can do to your body. it helps to grow the natural minerals in our skin that we have lost over the years. it helps to eliminate signs of ageing and maintain the natural glow of your skin. i have been eating it for two weeks now but i do not consume them as suggested.
it is suggested that the collagen are to be consumed 15 tablets a day after food. but it is not necessary to take 15 at one go. 15 tablets are to be divided by 3 in a day so that means you take 5 tablets each time after breakfast, lunch and dinner. i don't take 15 tablets a day but i only take 5 tablets so one bottle of collagen matrix gives me about 6 months supply. considering all the supplements i take in a day 5 collagen matrix is sufficient. i have to admit that i sometimes got so sick for drinking too much water at one time. imagine this diary, i consume 2 capsules of primrose evening oil, 1 tablet of hair protector, 1 tablet of bone formula, 1 tablet of vitamin-B and 5 tablets of collagen matrix daily.
each time i swallow, i need to drink some water and swallowing 10 tablets makes me so sick of water sometimes. i cannot imagine some people who consume more than 15 tablets a day for supplements. i know some of my friends who consume 30 tablets of supplements daily and i can only wonder how do they do it!!i went out for dinner with hippo last night. i called her and make arrangement with her cos i needed to buy myself a luggage. did i tell you about the luggage diary? we went to bugis junction first but i did not find any that i like. furthermore, it didn't offer much choices so we decided to go to mustafa centre. my preference would be hard case cabin size luggage.
colour doesn't matter but i would prefer bright colours because i plan to paste a lot of stickers on it. i want to give it a rugged and funky look. i saw one that suits my preference and the price is unbelievably cheap. it comes in two colours, green and maroon. i chose maroon cos there was only one green left and its wheels were not in good condition. i had to settle for the maroon one. i need to look for stickers and i am going to JB this friday to accompany mom to settle some issues with the banks in JB. probably, i can go to angsana and get some cool stickers there. i know there's one shop in angsana that specialises in ready made or made to order stickers. i need about 50 average size stickers or probably 30 of large size stickers.
my intention is to cover the whole front side of the luggage with stickers. i probably will make 3 custom made stickers for myself. i hope they have cool stickers there. pizza once got a sticker for her car custom made at that shop. it looks nice and i fancy the workmanship. hopefully there are plenty to choose from over there.i also bought 2 bottles of perfume last night. hippo was selecting perfumes to buy and i joined her when i saw how cheap the perfumes were. i have been wearing gucci envy for 8 years now and i have always stuck to it. i think it is the only perfume that i have worn so religiously and loyally. i like the smell and i just want to have one identity about the perfume i wear. i want people to immediately think of me when they smell gucci envy, and i want people to associate me with gucci envy whenever they think of me. i want to make gucci envy my signature perfume which i have succeeded. but i think there is no harm if i were to wear other perfumes as well.
i fell in love with red jeans and united colours of benetton. the prices are so reasonable to me thinking that i am going to be a student soon. red jeans ss half the price of gucci envy and has soft smell compared to envy. UCB is only 10 bucks and it's economical to wear it to sleep. it has strong smell like gucci envy. i bought one bottle of each. they are all very old perfumes and it's no surprise how their prices have change from the first time they launched. i still remember how my classmates were so crazy over the smell and packaging when we were students. now, they are just another old perfume on the shelve waiting to be labelled as vintage. if people are still buying them, it's probably because of old memories, the scent, the packaging or the price. i bought them because of the price and scent, however i am still going to stick with gucci envy. red jeans and UCB will be the second choice. having three perfumes in a lifetime will not be confusing i supposed.

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