I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Experience Is The Teacher of Fools

Dear Diary,

I have attended two classes for my CEA examinations and both classes are interactive and fun. They are not boring at all. I figured this is because of the experienced lecturers we have who have had more than twenty years of experience as real estate agents. These people have closed more than three thousand cases in their career and they know the trades at the back of their hands. The knowledge they have is at the tips of their fingers and if you would like to imagine their fingers as pens, try giving them those papers and the informations flow out of their fingertips like magic.

These people have gone through four recessions and they survived all of them. Things may not always be easy and it is not always about rainbows and butterflies. I listened to them attentively in class. Sometimes, I find it hard to pay attention but I tried. You know how I can divert my attention to something else because I am naturally a dreamer. A dreamer always finds time to dream, let his mind wanders to a faraway fantasy land where humans can walk on water. I have always tried to stay focus in class because I know how much I am capable to dream. I would say, from a scale of ten, my dream capability is nine. It is scary sometimes because I often wonder if I can even focus when people are talking to me. But I have known myself Diary. After years of breathing, having air in my lungs, I have become so familiar of myself.

I must tell you a story that happened in my class Diary. You know how the environment is in a classroom don’t you? There will always be someone who seems to reckon that he knows more than the lecturer and another who seems not to run out of questions to ask or things to say. Perhaps that is the norm we all must accept and expect. There was a woman who consistently argued about facts with the lecturer. There came to a point where I got sick of her attitude as much as the lecturer. I can tell from the look of his face that he got amazingly annoyed with her. I simply did not understand her determination or rather her ego because she was trying to counter argue about procedures with someone who has had more than twenty years of experience and one who has closed more than three thousand cases. Yes, perhaps a round of the floors should be given to her for her bravery and boldness but a round of the floors must also be given to her for her, probably stupidity?

She was attacked mercilessly by the lecturer. It was embarrassing. I could feel how embarrassing it was for her even though the attack was not to me. She should have just shut up. Of course you can ask questions and convey your opinions because everybody is entitled to his own opinions. However, it is definitely not clever to give opinions and think that your opinions only matter and be stubborn about it. It is especially so with someone who has way more experience and knowledge than you. What made matter worst was, when she gave her opinions, she really sounded so confident and thinks she knows it all. Therefore, it came to everybody’s knowledge that she had closed only ten cases.

She must have used the ten cases as a guide to counter argue about the facts with the lecturer and she must have forgotten the most important fundamental rule of experience. The trouble with using experience as a guide is that the final exam often comes first and then the lesson. Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes along. Having closed ten sales does not make you know everything. She should have been a little more modest and made her opinions be heard humbly. She failed to do that and all I saw was, she got to taste her own medicine. Experience is the teacher of fools and I hope she would learnt her lesson from this experience in the class as well as her experience being in the industry.

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