I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Making A Career Out of Your Job

Dear Diary,

I have been sleep deprived for the past few weeks. It is difficult to oversleep myself when mum is always there to wake me up. Sometimes I get so piss but I know I cannot complain much about it because she is after all my mother. I look for her when I am in need, no matter what the trouble is. However, I still feel stressful most of the times. You see Diary; you know my parents cannot drive. So at any time I am back, they especially my dad would have all these ideas of places to go and guess what Diary? They will ask me to drive them but since they are my parents, I cannot simply say they ask me. In fact, they made me. If you want to know why I said that, it is because they just planned without consulting me and the next minute I know, I will have to live by their schedule.

Diary, do not ever misunderstood me. I would be more than eager to do things for my parents but please, you have to give me a break occasionally. I have my own life and my own things to do. It was easy before since I do not work in Singapore but it is not the same anymore nowadays. You know I can devout myself to them for all the time I was in Singapore last time but I cannot do that anymore now. I have to make my parents understand the nature of my job soon. They are easy to talk to but I will feel bad about it. I feel bad that I cannot make their wishes happen, you get what I mean Diary. My parents are so adventurous. There will continually be places they want to go and sadly, they have to be dependent on their children to take them there. If only mum has had her license earlier. I wish.

It is not that taxing during the weekdays but it is always stressful over the weekends and on public holidays. Dad would plan a getaway to Tangkak or somewhere and he counts on me to drive. I will never mind if I have not had any commitments but now I do. I need to establish my career in real estate. I need to make commissions. I need to meet my targets and my deadlines. I must sacrifice my time at the beginning of the career before I am able to benefit from the fruits of my labour. Oh Diary, there are just so many things I have to do. It is not that easy after all. Most people think we only show houses and sell houses but we do more than that. If I were to list down five things we do daily, you would be ashamed of yourself Diary.

I have promised myself that I will just do what it takes and learn from those who have made it there. This business is real and it is everlasting. It is just what I can do to have the options to have a career that gives me the opportunity to earn unlimited income. I believe in the products and I believe in the industry. In every other country in the world, people need houses to live in, shops to do physical business and offices to conduct business. There must be a place for residential, commercial and industrial. These elements must exist in every developing and developed countries cycle of economy. I have decided to do HDB flats for a start and my area of specialization will be residential in district 12 and 27. Oh Diary, I forgot to tell you that in Singapore, the consultants refer to an area with their district code. I have started to memorise the districts slowly. I think there are about 20 districts.

How do you think I would do Diary? Well, it is just a job, I know but I feel that I can make it here. I have tried so many things just to be cash rich but none seems to work for me or perhaps I just did not try hard enough at it. What do you think Diary? I have to admit that I am doubtful but I know it is because of the small voice I hear in my head. People say, if you hear a small voice within you that say you cannot paint, then by all means, paint and that voice will be silenced. Do I sound a little optimistic Diary? I know…I have failed too many times in my life in my pursuits for success. Has anyone told you that the distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult. The destination is not as significant as the journey you know. It is how you carry yourself in the journey that, determines how you reach the destination. How is that Diary? Did I say it well?

You tell me Diary, how many of us are willing and dare enough to get out of our comfort zone? Not many, therefore credits must be given to those who dare to take the risk regardless if they fail or succeed. Yes, risk taking is inherently failure-prone. Otherwise, it would be called sure-thing-taking. Since I am in this industry, I have came across and read about many successful consultants. It is inspirational to be around these people. I know every other job and career in the world provides an opportunity for us to be millionaires but I supposed what is most important is we have to believe in the products we sell and the industry we are in.

I have tried online money making programs, multi level marketing, working a 9-5 job, running my own food and beverage business, direct selling and many more. Perhaps I was not good enough for them or they are just not meant to be my rice bowls. I do not know Diary but one thing I know this nation was built by men who took risks - pioneers who were not afraid of the wilderness, business men who were not afraid of failure, scientists who were not afraid of the truth, thinkers who were not afraid of progress and dreamers who were not afraid of action.

I have to go now Diary. Wait for my next entry, I love you, my family and all my good and trusted friends that have left footprints in my heart.

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