I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, April 9, 2010

Promoting Is The Essence of It All...

Dear Diary,

I will be attending my first lesson for CEA tonight. I have about twelve lessons to attend with each lesson lasting three hours. I will leave home early to do some work in the office. I have to start sourcing for houses in district 12. When I submitted my applications for my name cards and badge on Wednesday, I stayed back in office to do cold calls from the list my Manager gave me and I got about five ready buyers who are still looking for houses. I do not know where did he get the list but I supposed they were from the road shows and door knocking he did. I guess that is what I have to do in the future to minimize my cost. I have to promote my service the hard and bold way.

There are many senior agents, who advertise their services in the papers. They attract buyers and sellers without having to do the groundwork. They do not have to anyway because I suppose they prefer paying more for promotions as they have been in the market long enough and have some pool of funds for advertisements. It is easy like that. All they have to do is to place advertisements on papers with their picture, contact numbers and some slogans to attract people to call. When people call them that is when they fish them to be their clients.

I was told that it is not how much you make out of your career in the real estate but how much cost you will incur during the whole period of your career. You always need to minimize your cost as much as possible. You have to be creative and innovative because paper media is no longer an only option for you. There are so many kinds and ways of advertising. You have to go out there and source one that suits you and most importantly is cost efficient. Being in the business of real estate, you have to write down all the little details because it is not merely about advertisement costs you will be incurring but you will incur a whole lot more like travelling, telephone bills and many miscellaneous fees. All those cost exclude your personal expenses and imagine if you were to include your personal expenses into it. The Chinese has a popular saying, it is not how much you make but how much you can save matters most. I suppose that is true.

When I was in the seminar, the big boss himself told us that out of thirty who signed up to be an agent, only ten will survive and stay. The simple truth is, not everybody can do sales especially one without a basic salary. When I was in Subang Jaya, I attended a career talk by one of the most popular and established real estate firm there. One of the requirements to be an agent is to have at least six months of savings. To be honest Diary, I smiled when I read that. I was somewhat impressed because they were very frank and straightforward about it. I did not sign up with them because they recruit only Malaysians or those who hold relevant status. I did not hold any of it and they did not seem too keen on giving me suggestions on other alternatives I can have. I would have continued staying in Malaysia if I were given an option. Therefore, going back to Singapore seems a right thing to do.

I still have plans to make a comeback to Malaysia but it will take a little while before I am able to do that. I just need to hit my first sales, get my momentum going, learn the trades and do what I have to do. Mum and dad are talking about retiring already. Well Diary, it really looks like I have no time to waste now because if they do retire, it will be end of this year. I am praying hard always and hope for a better tomorrow. Until the next time, you take care Diary. Love you.

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