I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sucess In Simplicity...

Dear Diary,

I have been busy since the road show. As I have told you, I have about four potential clients. I spent the days organizing and planning my work. I did follow up with them and right now, I am just waiting if I could close any deals for them. My CEA classes have been fine. I think I spent more time dreaming in class than paying attention. I have had that habit since I was young. I am starting to believe that I am a born dreamer. It is a habit so hard to break that I might as well live with it.

I went for another road show last night. It was only an hour long but I managed to give away about fifty pieces of my name card and I got one query. However, I do not think that she was serious. What I have learnt about real estate is you have to qualify your leads before you take them seriously. This is to avoid time wasting for everybody at sake especially yours. You have to learn how to ask qualifying questions to them and read between the lines from the answers they gave whether they are genuine buyers or sellers. It is true that you have to do this Diary. Some people just like to house browsing without having any intention to buy. Unless you always arrange for a one day open house where you and your seller dedicate the time for house viewing, otherwise just forget about them.

How has it been for you Diary? It has been good for me on the surface but deep down inside my heart, I think I need some therapy. I have not found the time to visit Subang Jaya. I have some outstanding issues to settle there and I have passed way later than the deadline. It should be stressing me out but like I said in my earlier entry, being in Singapore does not make me stress about things. Perhaps it is the distance or perhaps it is the environment I am in currently.

Going to classes and road shows have given me the opportunity to meet lots of new people. It feels like going back to school. The road show last night made me realize that success has different kind of category in real estate. I met a senior agent last night who has been in the industry for two years. He was friendly but of course living up to human nature, he sounded like he wanted to tell me that he knows more than I do. Who can deny that Diary?

Yes, he has more experience in handling people and closing more sales but there are some things about him that cannot stop me from wondering. I shall not comment on his dressings and looks but what really caught my attention is that he does not drive. Let us not talk about the public transport system or is having a car a necessity or not. Let us just talk about the first thing you would do if you think you have reach that first level of financial comfort. When you are in the sales business, a car is your business tool regardless of how efficient the public transport system is. It need not be an expensive or luxurious car. It just needs to be a car that is all. But there I was, taking the train home with him.

I have known an agent in my division who has been in the industry for two years who has had tremendous success throughout his career. I am quite sure I have told you about him. He is the guy who has sold 25 units of HDB flats in that particular month and had commissions of more than a hundred thousands dollars for that month alone. He has achieved top division director awards many times and has been able to drive a beemer within two years of his career in the real estate. He is only 28 years old.

So what I am trying to say now Diary is, many people may have managed to stay in this industry for two years but they may have different levels of achievements. I am not saying that the former guy is not successful and the latter. However, I do realize that success varies among people. To the former guy, he is probably successful having to stay in the industry for two years. Everybody knows a career with no basic salary is not for everybody but he still manages to stay even though on the surface he may not live lavishly. Perhaps he is simply a simple man who does not believe in flashing his wealth through the materials he has. Perhaps he has always made enough to get by because he did tell me his work schedule solely depends on his mood.

Well, whatever it is I know success solely depends on the effort and hard work you put in. It does not wait on handsome man or pretty woman. It only waits on hardworking people who know no boundaries. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. The former guy may have achieved success in his own right and only he will be able to feel and see it. We never know, believe me, when we have succeeded best. As for me, the small voice keeps talking to me but I am not going to pay any attention to it for I know that voice will be silenced if I refuse to give in to it.

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