I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Going Back To Basics

Dear Diary,

It is Sunday and I am at home enjoying the music coming from a Malay wedding at the void deck of my house. At the same time, I am also enjoying the sounds coming from my television set. Living on the second storey, I get a clear view of the wedding and I am very impressed by it. Apparently, the wedding planner has engaged many Malay traditional groups to entertain the guests.

There were ‘Dikir Barat’, ‘Ghazal’, ‘Nasyid’, ‘Gamelan’, ‘Kompang’ and traditional dancers doing the thing they do best. I can hear them from my house and honestly I quite enjoyed the songs they performed and the music they played from the traditional music instruments. It has been awhile I know of weddings that engaged the services of those traditional entertainment groups. Mostly, the service of a Dee Jay would be sought after in this modern times but not for this particular wedding. I really like their wedding even though I do not know them personally but I am happy and somewhat proud that they are willing to showcase something different and chose to be traditional.

Diary, how are you? The weather is fair today. It was sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon. I think it is going to be a cold night tonight and it would be perfect to burn the midnight oil. I am going to study for my CEA examination Diary. I don’t know how much I can absorb but I am hopeful to learn as much as possible.

I was running through my organizer and I saw the date when I registered for the in-house course at my real estate agency. It has been two months Diary. I will not say that I haven’t made much progress just because I have not closed any deals yet. I have made considerable progress looking at my two months journey. It is just that I have not market my service and myself aggressively yet. But I have done quite a lot in these two months since I’m in this industry. I have gone for the in-house course, road shows, did my own flyers, got my name cards, get my badge done, I went for the CEA course, about to sit for the exam to be a qualified real estate agent and now I am just waiting for my flyers to be done so I can do door to door farming. What do you think Diary?

To be honest, at times I do question if what my manager had said about me is true. Perhaps I am slow in my actions but then again, whatever that I need to do to market myself needs money and you know I am very short of cash right now. I need to wait for available cash only then I am able to go all out. It is good enough that I have signed up for what’s most important for me first such as the CEA course, otherwise I would not be able to practice as an agent after the government’s latest regulation.

You know Diary, I know I feel demoralized at times, I guess everybody do get that occasionally. I believe hypothetically we all need something or someone to make us motivated again. You know like how drug addicts need drugs to be in that state again or how humans need food to gain energy. I suppose motivations and inspirations are food for the soul that turns into courage in oneself. Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. Everybody knows nobody can do everything alone. There will be someone behind every man’s success. However, if it is not someone, it must be something.

I suppose for me right now it is what I want to prove to so many people that keeps me going. It is the need to be somebody for my parents, my family and myself. Success does not happen instantaneously. Talking about success brings me to my encounter with a fellow new agent when I attended one of the trainings. He smugly told my friends and I about how he went to a motivational camp and learnt of the difference between farming and fishing. He said you know what you are going to get when you farm because you can choose what you want to farm. However, you cannot choose what kind of fish you want to get when you go fishing.

So a minute after he enthusiastically told us that story, he received a text message from his potential client who wished him many thanks for the many text messages on properties he sent this potential client. Upon reading the message, he regretfully and annoyingly said out loud,

“Why say thanks to me, give me a cheque and a deal to close lah”

At that point, I smiled at him and prompted him of the story he just told us.

“You don’t grow what you farm overnight, and the fish won’t bite your bait instantly after you throw it into the sea. It takes time for things to happen and patience is the main element.”

He was taken aback by my comments but he did not counter comment me. So I just thought I would throw him another,

“You get the chicken by hatching the eggs you know….you don’t get a chicken by smashing the eggs.”

And I gave him a wink. Ultimately, I realized actions and the most fundamental component is essential in one’s chase to his goals. We must not leave home without it.

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