I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, May 7, 2010

I Think My Spirit Is Climbing

Dear Diary,

I just came back from my first HDB appointment. It was troublesome and time wasting because we had to reschedule it to a later date. The fault lies with the agents. I would say the agents representing the buyer made the simplest silliest mistake for not checking if their client has had enough funds in their Central Provident Fund (CPF) before proceeding with the first appointment. The appointment with the HDB officer turned out to be a discussion on the date to replace this void appointment. I was rather pissed at both my agent and the agents representing the buyer of my house.

To add to the miseries, the officer from HDB was an old man whose breath smells like a dead rat. When he was talking, I kept wondering where the foul smell came from only to realize that it came from his breath. Honest to God, the smell was horrible until I had to cover my nostrils with my finger. How in the world can a man let his breath smells like that especially when his job scope requires him to meet people? I was fidgeting in my seat eager to dash out of the office to inhale fresh air while he was discussing with the agents. I picture myself getting ready for a 100 meter race and immediately when the discussion ended, I ran like I have never run before.

It was a good thing I hadn’t had my breakfast otherwise I am sure I was going to puke in his face. I cannot help myself from wondering how he makes love with his wife. *Chuckles*. Surely, there will be some kissing involve won’t it Diary? That’s how you make love don’t you? You always start from caressing, kissing and then the climax. But how on earth if it's like that? It smells terrible! Oh gee…never mind. I am not supposed to be talking about people. Ok let’s move on Diary.

Diary, being present for the HDB appointment somehow gave me a silent encouragement that I can make it in this industry. I saw some agents who were dressed smartly and some untidy agents as well. Tidy or untidy they were there because they have closed the deals from the leads they had. They turned their leads into their rice bowls and from the many rice bowls they made in a month, those rice bowls can turn into goldmine for some agents. Slowly, my determination is coming back and I foresee the good things to come if I stay focus and keep on doing it until I succeed.

I am going to Subang Jaya tomorrow Diary. I feel so happy because I know I get to see my car and my good friends. Although I have lots to do I will still make time for a birthday party my friend is hosting for her adopted daughter. Isn’t it great to have a daughter? I will adopt someday, I know I will but I am still confuse of where I want to settle down. My number one choice has always been Subang Jaya but I have to work hard from now to have my dreams come true. You know of my intention to coming back to Singapore don’t you Diary?

It is to establish myself here as a real estate agent, earn money in Singapore dollars and then at the same time have some kind of business in the Klang Valley. At least I will have incomes from both countries. That is the plan. No matter where I live, I want to earn in Malaysia and Singapore. It takes some time I know. Come to think of it, it is really not a waste spending my time in Malaysia for 5 years to pursue a law degree. I did not graduate with a law degree but I used my time there exploring the business scenes and learnt the business culture there. Well, it’s still not bad isn’t it Diary? *LOL* I think I got more life experiences running businesses there than to finish law school. Am I saying all these just to make me feel less guilty or less wronged? I don’t think so. *Winks at you*

Gummy bear will ride with me to Tangkak on Saturday. I can’t wait for it. I want to play catching with her in the house. *Grins* and when she sleeps I want to poke her nostrils with the tissue paper. Oh Diary, I don’t think I can leave my mischievious self. It’s so hard not to be mischievious when you are. Diary, I think my spirit is climbing, it is not rocketing but it is climbing.

I got to go Diary. Wish me a safe journey to Subang tomorrow ok, and wish me a safe drive to Tangkak too and back to Subang and back to Singapore. Oh never mind…I think you will get confuse with all the travellings I have to make. Just wish me safe, that will do. Love you Diary.

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