I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Power Suits and My Dreams

Dear Diary,

There is an Orientation in the office that I have to attend tomorrow. I did not plan to go but since I already wished my manager happy birthday today, he reminded me of the orientation and I do not think it is a good idea for me to absent myself. The attendance is not compulsory though but it is good to attend if I want to know the latest updates of projects in my company. I hope I will see some familiar faces in the orientation as I really hate to mingle with faces so unknown that I only think of them as aliens.

How are you my dear Diary? I have been writing to you but I believe I have not asked your well being for a long time. Pardon me Diary, please accept my most sincere apologies. I hope you are in the pink of health and is celebrating every moment of your life with joy. Here I am again to update you of my life journey to success, so to speak. *grins*

I have sent my flyers for printing and they will be ready in two weeks time. I paid 99 dollars for 12,500 pieces. I got it at a discounted price and I am grateful that the promotion is still available when I decided to do the flyers. The minimum pieces to order are at 25000 for 199 dollars but I got to do it at half the quantity at half the price. I have done up my latest transacted prices for resale flats in my geographical targeted area and I will send them for printing tomorrow.

When they are ready, I have to staple them together with every sheet of the flyers. I could have asked the printer to include the latest transacted prices in the flyers but since I got it at promotional price, they will not include the transacted prices. I have to do it myself Diary. I am not complaining, I am just telling you what I have done lately to market my service. Once the flyers are ready I will do door to door canvassing. We call it farming in real estate. From the farming, every agent hopes to harvest on its fruits.

Oh Diary, I have finished my CEA class and the exam is on the 19th of May. Approximately, I have about 5 days to study for the exam and when I do passed, I will be a certified real estate agent and do not have to worry about the new rulings that was announced 2 weeks ago. I am going to read through my notes and make sure I pass my exam because I certainly do not want to re-sit for the exam.

I went shopping with mum yesterday. Mum bought me a pair of shoes and 3 pieces of tops. I really need them Diary. I do not know where all my business wears gone to since I moved to Malaysia and back to Singapore. My clothes are scattered at different houses and it is such an inconvenience for me. It has really been a long time since I was in a suit. Oh gosh, I am really excited to wear all those power suits again. You know I have always desire to be in suits, it gives me the confidence and a sense of authority everytime I wear one because after all clothes make the men, naked people have little or no influence over society, right?

Well Diary, I got to go. I feel blessed for whatever I have in the future that awaits me. I am visualizing good things in my path because I just learnt from someone today not to let my problems pushed me to success but let my dreams be the one.

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