I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, May 3, 2010

Judge Me All You Want...

Dear Diary,

It is Monday and I am feeling so lost. I came back to Singapore last night. I was in Subang Jaya on Thursday, came back to Singapore on Friday. I went to Johor Bahru on Saturday for a kenduri and drove to Tangkak later in the evening. I spent the night there and drove back to Singapore on Sunday and reached home at 10 at night. Can you imagine all the travelling I have made?

I am so tired and I think I will skip my CEA class tonight. I never celebrated my birthday. I never had actually. Well I probably did a couple of times but I am sure it is not more than five times in my entire life. I hate birthdays and all the attentions. I guess I am a born introvert. I like hiding in my room doing my own stuffs. I only mingle with people I am comfortable with. However, when I get too comfortable with people, I tend to talk a lot. I am like the quietest among the noisiest and the noisiest among the quietest. People often mistook me as someone snobbish and unfriendly but I do not really mind because I get that too often and I know they have only misunderstood me.

People get misunderstood everyday. I suppose that is parts and parcels of lives. We simply cannot expect people to understand us easily without making an effort to make them to. What can we say and do anyway? We cannot merely expect things to go easy on us. Coincidentally, the kenduri was held on my birthday. I dreaded to go but since my brother made himself busy on that day, that left me as the only available child to drive my parents there. I knew somehow the family on my mum’s side would ask about me. I have gone through the drills with the relatives on my dad’s side and now it is the turn of the relatives on my mum’s side.

I kept my cool and did not let myself be easily affected by situations. All I have to do is to wait and be patient. I do not know when will I strike my first deal but I am keeping my faith Diary. It is a jungle out there. I have climbed many mountains and I made sure that I reached the summit for every mountain I climbed no matter how difficult it was. The objective of climbing a mountain is to reach the summit and that’s when you can say that you have conquered the mountain. Only this time, the jungle is made up of concrete and humans and not only you need to be tough emotionally and physically to survive, you need to be fast too.

I have been called slow by my Manager and I laughed at his comment. I did not want to defend myself. I am not a fighter Diary, I am just a survivor. He should have find out from me the kind of leads I am working on and ask about my progress before he threw his comment like that. You can never be too quick to judge because you have no right to be judgmental until you have listened to both sides of the stories.

Everybody knows that to close deals you need to have leads. From the leads you have, you qualify them and only pay attention to the serious and genuine clients. After qualifying them, then you bring them for viewing. From the viewings you bring, your chances of closing a deal is highly achievable. I have had 20 leads and from the 20 leads, only five are serious. I qualified them, I furnished them with the informations and when it was time for them to take the final step they back out. So are they serious or not Diary?

For sellers, it is important that they apply for housing loan first before you bring them for viewing. If they are willing to apply for a housing loan, then that means they are serious buyers and for sellers, you have to valuate the house they are selling first. If an owner does not agree to valuate the house they are selling, then they are not serious. Those are the things you have to do to qualify your clients. My clients are not serious clients even after I qualified them. I cannot get them to apply for bank loans. My phone calls were not answered and they did not even return my calls. So I know I have to move on. And to move on, that means I have to have more leads and currently the leads I am getting are all from the road shows and I have to depend on my manager to organize road shows. But I cannot be totally dependent on him anymore. I have to start generating leads on my own and I am only thinking of door to door flyers distribution.

So Diary, it looks like I have to get the printer to do my flyers this time. And I hope the kind souls of my parents would loan me the money first because I am totally skin right now. I am broke to the core Diary. Call me whatever you want because I have lost shame, juice and steam. The things that I have not lost for are hope, faith and patience. Those three things keep me going. I know perseverance is my weapon, prayers are my savior, actions are my vehicle and accompanied with hope, faith and belief, I will survive this ordeal. God’s willing.

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