I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jack of All Trades No More

Dear Diary,

If you have noticed, I have posted two video clips on you and I have to admit that I have no other reasons except that I want to try something that I have never done before on my blogs since I started in 2004. You know I have always like writing than posting pictures or video clips on blogs. I am never good with drawings and I am never artistic in anything else except for writings. So when I created a blog, I dedicate my blog to my writings. What else can you do with your blogs other than write? It is not like a conventional diary or journal where it can double up as a scrap book.

I have received many comments privately about my writings. Most of them are encouraging but I strongly believe that I write because I want to write with a passion and not because of the attentions I might get from it. It is my labour of love and I expect no rewards neither acknowledgements. Writing about my life has given me an opportunity to reflect on what I have achieved over the last 6 years. And it also marked the anniversary of my brother’s death. At times, I wonder if my brother hadn’t passed on, would I have created this blog.

I think I still would but perhaps later than 2004. You know I have started writing since 2003 but that was before I started blogging. Do you remember that article I wrote that got published in the paper? I was 17 then. The feeling of seeing your name printed in bold black ink is just beyond description. Knowing that almost all Singaporeans would read your article is just an extraordinary feeling. And another article I wrote that was chosen as a ticket for me to attend a free writing workshop organized by the Straits Times Singapore.

Privately, I wonder what is it that I am made up to be. I have tried everything from studying to working to writing and to having my own business. I succeeded but I did not finish what I started. It seems to me that I almost fit to be a jack of all trades. It is good to be an all rounder but I must bear in mind that a jack of all trades is a master of none.

Just about tonight, I attended my last class of CEA. The lecturer told us that being a real estate consultant is not easy. It has never been easy. There is a lot of paper works involved in real estate than in insurance industry. Now Diary, I know I am never a fan of paper works. I hate form fillings to the extent that I always skip filling in forms when there is a need. You can give me any physical works and I will do them diligently but never give me any paper works because I hate them so much. However, I have realized the reason why I came back to Singapore. I want to make big money here so I can have the money to go back to Subang Jaya to turn my dreams into reality once again. Real estate will give me that opportunity and with paper works or no paper works, I am going to get my ass work on it until I make it right.

I will not complain neither will I whine. I will submit myself to the demands to being good at it by hook or by crook. I will give what it takes and bend till I break. I cannot make excuses for myself anymore Diary because beggars cannot be choosers. I am jack of all trades no more. Wealth is my priority now.

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