I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, October 1, 2010

My First Sale Transaction

Dear Diary,

I have been busy for the past few days. I have sold my house and the amount of paper works I have to do is just amazing. How much I hate paper works and form fillings. This is my first sale transaction and I have really learnt a lot from it. I supposed things always seem difficult and troublesome in the beginning but as time goes by and after many transactions, I think I will get used to it.

I made a couple of mistakes filling in the forms and I was excused because I am pretty sure that the clerk knew this is my first sale transaction. I almost laughed at myself of the mistakes that I have made. Everybody seemed kind and understanding enough to accept the blunders.

I was up early this morning at 630. The co-broke agent met me at 730 in the morning to get the signed documents. I was up way early before she got to my place. I did not take shower because I really planned to sleep some more after I met her but I had to stay awake since she came to my house again at 9 with the buyers to hand over the final deposit.

I slept at almost 4 last night and I woke up at 630. Can you imagine how sleepy I got later in the afternoon today? It was a busy and productive day but also a sleepy day for me. I double checked the documents that she handed to me and got ready to go to the office to submit the resale application to HDB. When I got to the office, I enquired at the counter on the procedures and the clerk explained to me patiently as if she knew I am new. I listened and I tried to grasp the information as good as I can. I did everything alone. My Manager was not in the office thus I had no one to guide me. I got to fill up some forms and as I filled up the forms, I coached myself to be patient about form fillings. I honestly hate form fillings and I knew if I still have nothing but hatred about it, I won’t be happy with my job. So there I was, acting like a coach to my distress mind.

When everything was done, I handed the papers over to the counter and I reminded them to submit the application by today. It is crucial because we really need to get it done by today as today is the last day of September. You see, there are racial integration quota policies that we have to meet before we sell or buy a unit of flat in Singapore. The quota is updated on every first of the month. It was a lucky thing for us that we managed to submit everything today as the quota for SPR for this month is still available for my block. It seemed nice that everybody was co-operative even though the forms I filled had some inaccuracies.

Oh Diary, I am beginning to feel a little pumped up right now. I don’t know but I am seeing what lies in the future if I just believe. Although this first transaction is my own house but it gives me the enthusiasm to strive for more, for myself, my family and the very beautiful person in my life. 

How are you Diary? I am good right now, Alhamdulillah. I guess I am slowly picking up the pieces and feeling rejuvenated a little about it all. Beautiful has been very inspirational to me and I am glad she exists in my life. It is rather difficult to explain but I think it is enough that I know what I truly feel towards her. Love is a universal language isn’t it? It does not matter where I am, what is most important is I know I have someone that will listen to me when I tell stories and one who will not get bored with my stories. I miss Beautiful everyday very much.

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