I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Unwinding My Thoughts About Her

Dear Diary,

I spent my weekend in Tangkak and it was a little bit relaxed than any other trip I had. Firstly I did not have to do the gardening as we have employed a part time gardener. It has been 3 months since we last came and the bushes and the grass were as thick as the Amazon. Mum and dad had given up a long time ago to do the pruning and trimming while I simply couldn’t be bothered. I hate the idea of having to sweat and hang out under the sun to make the landscape looks nicer everytime I come back. I simply want to spend my time relaxing and unwind. Come on Diary, who wants to get all sweaty and dirty doing gardening at your holiday house?

I have always been upset at the thought that I couldn’t rest whenever I come back. Having a landed holiday house I supposed leave you little or no time at all to enjoy the house if you only come back once in every two months, especially a house with landscape. The landscape is not that really big but looking at the frequency of us coming back, it can be quite a handful to handle. Frankly, I have gotten quite bored with the routine. We never failed to clean the house from the mess of having birds nest on our door grilles, and the waste they left behind. The grass and the trees grow freely and trimming them is a must otherwise it can be quite an eyesore.

After checking around the house and explaining to the gardener we just hired, I decided to take my shower and little did I know that the water supply had been cut because we missed paying the bill. Oh Diary, can you imagine what did I get myself into? There and then I put back my clothes back on and went out to tell my dad. There were so many commotions and long story made short, dad being the handyman in the family, fixed the problem and I managed to have my shower.

We stayed in Tangkak for about 3 days and I can say that the trip this time is well spent. I managed to start on my business proposal and enjoy the house watching DVD. I even manage to relax and unwind myself. I vacuumed and I mopped the house and believe me Diary, I felt like I had run 200 meters after that. The sweat that came down my forehead is just unbelievable.

I have to admit that during the time I was there, I felt like I wanted to text Beautiful and tell her that I have been missing her. The household chores kept me busy a little and in a way distracted me from thinking of her but really, it did not last long. The power of love as people say is stronger than any other forces on earth. I am not quite sure of love anymore nowadays. Perhaps I have found a woman that I like but I know I couldn’t have her. It is just a dream and fantasy that I can never bring to life. The more I fight it the more it grows stronger.

At times I just wish that I could just walk with her down the beach strolling hands in hands. We have spent less time ‘talking’ for the past few weeks but that does not stop myself from thinking about her. The less time we spend together, the more I miss her. I am not shy to tell her that I miss her everyday. I do not feel ashamed to let her know that I have been thinking about her because I know, if I can never hold her hands or look at her in the eyes, then the least I can do is to be honest about how I feel towards her.

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