I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, October 22, 2010

Waiting For The Right Environment

Dear Diary,

There are a lot of things that I feel I want to write. There are too many of them until I do not know where to begin. I keep thinking of my life when I was in Subang Jaya and how I miss it so much. I am still struggling to make ends meet and I am not sure if I am ever going to make it. I have been procrastinating a lot and I know I have to discipline myself to achieve what I want in two years time.

I have completed the sell and buy transaction for my family and I am now at ease since we are guaranteed to have a house to stay once we have moved out of this house. I have been worrying that we cannot find a house that suits our needs because my brother has been very indecisive and he seemed not to be able to make up his mind. I have to admit that I sometimes lost my temper at the way he has behaved with the house viewings. He made an offer at almost every house he viewed and I cannot second guess which one he is most interested in.

There are many things that I have learnt from my transactions and it makes me more alert and resourceful. I have done my homework and I have gotten to know lots of things. I have learnt the tricks and trade and I have equipped myself with the things I need to know first before I go prospecting. The rules and regulations that HDB has set made me become more sensitive towards people. I have realized how crucial it is for agents to play a part in a family’s life before we help them decide to sell or buy their house. This is when your professionalism comes into play because as much as we need the commission from the sale of their house, we must also consider their plight before we tell them to sell or not.

There are many cases where people do not have a house to live after they sold their house because agents did not advise them comprehensively of the things they need to know and do before making the decision. These people end up in beaches where they live in tents. It is a pity and disappointing to know that there are cases like this happening in Singapore.

I supposed it is because of this that the Singapore government had to intervene with how real estate salespersons work. New regulations have been implemented on the real estate industry and agents have to meet so many criteria before they are able to practice as an agent. I have what it needs to be one and I fulfilled the criteria, only that I have not been actively closing deals. Well, I know I have not been aggressive enough.

I am not panicking Diary neither I am belittling my abilities. I know what I can do and how much I can achieve if I am just being myself. Look at my situations now Diary. My room is as good as a big storage space. I do not even have a work desk. I can say that my room does not give me a condusive environment to work. Regardless what the situation is, I cannot make them as an excuse but let us check into reality for awhile. I am in the midst of moving out of this house and the new owner will need to use my room after the completion of the sale because they also need to move out of the house. We have made an agreement about that so it means, I have to clear all the things in my room for them. So, where am I supposed to sleep? You tell me Diary.

So you see there are many things I have to do. The paperworks, the cleaning, the packing, the moving, the unpacking, the organizing, the facilitating and many more and I do not even have a proper working place.

Oh well, by the way I have closed another room rental. So what does that mean? I am progressing Diary, I am. It is just that for the time being, I am rather taking my own time to be aggressive. I will be there I know, I just want to wait till I have a proper working place to work and for the time being I will keep doing what I have to do to get there. This is just the trial and error you know…it is not the end.

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