I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Smacked The Fat London Bitch

Dear Diary,

I have had a rough night with Dark Chocolate last night and it all happened online in Facebook. What happened last night somehow made me think that friends of more than 5 years old in two different countries can have a battle of words and thoughts without having to meet all thanks to the social network online. What else can you do online nowadays Diary? I wonder if someday people can be divorced officially online. Times really have changed.

There is a reason why I created an account with Facebook. I had no social online network registered under my name and I found that Facebook is the only one that catches my attention back then and so I created one. I was recovering from the aftermath of a break up with Flying Babe and honestly Facebooking was my only entertainment then. I played games there, I connected with my long lost friends, I posted comments on friends’ walls and I was and still am being myself in Facebook. I regard it as a home for my online activities other than my blog. Soon, I began to post pictures of myself. I included the address of my blog in my Facebook for my friends’ easy reference to my blog.

I may have an open mind about my Facebook account but I still choose to be very selective with whom I have as friends there and I set my walls, photos and notes to friends only. Even friends of friends are not allowed to view my photos, walls and notes or even my comments. That is how I treasure my privacy and I too respect other people’s privacy just as much as I want and expect people to respect mine. Facebook to me is my online sanctuary where I update myself about the well being of my friends and to exchange news and keeping in touch occasionally.

And while doing all that, I have noticed a common pattern of attitude in Dark Chocolate. She never fails to post bold comment to my pictures which when done too often can be quite boorish and disrespectful. Many a times she would leave comments saying that I am merely a woman who tries too hard to look pretty or who thinks that I am attractive. For whatever her intentions were, I do not know but I do admit that most of her comments for my pictures meant to say that she thinks I am some sort of a narcissistic.

In typical Malay, she would call me ‘minah syiok sendiri’ or ‘perasan’ and there was once she said that I am pathetic for posting many pictures of my own photos in my Facebook account. The latest comment from her took its toll on me and I blasted back at her because I fairly think she needs to be schooled once and for all.

Now Diary, you tell me if it is wrong for me to post my own photos in my own Facebook account. Obviously it is not! But that Big Bottom London Bitch who always talks like ‘perasan bagus nak mampos’ thinks so and she boldly commented on my album saying that

"If most of your album photos are pictures of you, you took yourself trying to look pretty, you need to get your shit together woman! :P"

So there and then I was thinking, wouldn’t it be natural for me to have my albums filled with all pictures of me as the owner of the account? If doing so would lead her to think like that then I supposed every other Facebook account holders would be deem as trying to look pretty or handsome by her if most of their albums in Facebook consisting of only their pictures? Duuhhh….what a stupid statement that was and honestly I am not surprised if it came from her because I have known her to be like that especially towards me and I frankly do not know why.

I simply have had enough of her rotten comments and I merely think she deserves what I gave her. The saddest thing about Dark Chocolate is that, she simply blames the whole drama on me saying that I am uptight and easily provoked failing to look at her big bottom self with buttocks the size of a drum and breast the size of a new-born baby’s head. It was her bad-mannered comment that started all this.

I have posted many of my photos of all kinds and in almost every situation. From my ugly and dirty times when I was up in the mountains to my casual photos at home looking fresh and clean. Regardless if I have braces on my teeth or a zit on my nose, I would still post my photos because it is my Facebook and it is all about confidence. Just because I post many pictures of myself in all the albums that does not mean I am trying hard to look pretty as she had said it. Why did she have to think like that in the first place anyway? I have known her to be someone who is quite reserved about posting her own pictures for reasons that I do not bothered to know. However, when she comes across people who is not shy nor afraid to post pictures of themselves, it does not give her the right to give discouraging and rather rude comments.

I have came across many people who have posted many pictures of themselves in their Facebook, but I simply let myself enjoy looking at their pictures admiring their guts and confidence regardless they look good or vice versa. Even if their intention was to let the whole of Facebook community know how good looking they are, what right have I got to stop them or to throw rude provoking remarks at them? My only conclusion and understanding is when people throw such comments at other people, they are merely hiding from their own shadow. Dark Chocolate probably has her own reasons for being reserved in sharing her pictures on Facebook but I do see some of her pictures which to me are pictures she posted because she thinks she looks good in them. As an adult and a human, reading between the lines and pictures, I know but I have never left disrespectful comments at her Facebook which I know if I did, the comments would have embarrassed her. But it keeps me wondering why does she like to do so towards me.

Perhaps it is just her because I remember once when I had a new girlfriend, she asked if my girlfriend speaks English or not which I somehow feel that she was merely belittling my girlfriend. I could be wrong but I really couldn’t make up the reason why she asked me such question about the person I date. Does it matter to her anyway?

So maybe it is just her attitude but honestly Diary, I gave her what she deserved and that was only a fraction of it. I couldn’t be bothered with her anymore. I have probably got turned off by her dim-witted and unintelligent thoughtless comments. For whatever reason, she took out all her comments this morning leaving not a single trace. Even Hippo had to leave comment for her. I have known Hippo and she is not the kind to interfere in other people's business unless she thinks it is too much. I guess Dark Chocolate is simply plain stupid and I hope she realized that she has crossed the line with me.

It is not like I cannot take comments like that but when it happened too frequently from the same person you can get very annoyed and snap. I supposed that is what happened to me. All these while, I tried to tolerate her comments that made me feel a little embarrassed. Even the photos I posted in my Facebook that I took  in some petrol station can be an issue with her. So you see what I mean Diary? She is a truly natural fat bottom bitch. I took it positively and just played along with the comments but this time round, she ticked me and I just had to retaliate.

I truthfully cannot stop wondering what if I were to put photos of my dad or my mum or brother in most of my albums, would she think that I took my dad and my brother to look handsome and my mum to look pretty? But even so, wouldn’t I have all rights to do so as it is my Facebook account and if I do not post pictures of myself and my closed ones, whose photos would I post? Oh Diary, some people can be so ignorant and it is pathetically just so sad.

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