I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, November 8, 2010

Recalling The Good Old Times...

Dear Diary,

I was at Woodsvale condominium yesterday for another of my aunt’s ‘Kenduri Haji’. I have two of my aunts who will go to Mecca this year. Yesterday was a two in one function starting with the ‘Kenduri Haji’ and ended with a birthday party for my nieces. The food was good except that I could not afford to feast all of it. I wish I could because I am feeling a little hungry as I am writing to you now.

My aunt had catered chicken rice and nasi beriyani for the functions. She also has roti kirai with chicken curry which is my favourite thing to eat. There were lots of traditional Malay kueh and if only my stomach is expandable, I would have gorge each and everyone of it. I spent my time chit chatting with my cousins and I met up with Dachshunds. She is an old friend who is the best friend of my cousin sister who somehow has become a family friend of us.

There is a reason why I nicknamed her that. For sure, she does not look like a dog but she is short and has short legs. I remember once my cousin sister told me that when Dachshunds was studying for her driving test, she complained to my cousin sister that she couldn’t reach all the three pedals in the car when she drives because her legs are too short. Even after she had adjusted the seat nearer to the driving wheel, she still couldn’t reach the pedals.

I was the most mischievious among cousin sisters around my age and when I was told of that I couldn’t stop laughing and it had become sort of like a national family joke among us. Being the teenage girls we were, we used to jokingly suggest to her to have a pair of platform shoes specially made for her with thick high heels so that she could reach the pedals easily. It was crazy back then. We would laughed like there was no tomorrow.

I recalled when we went camping in Pulau Ubin, they were lying on the sand trying to sleep and I took some broken tree branch and poke them in their ear and nostrils. I would then laugh my heart out when they tried to shoo me away. They couldn’t stop me and they ended up chasing after me. I was of course happier when they chased me because I knew they couldn’t catch me. I was very fast back then. I was the school sprinter and long distance runner. None of my cousin sisters share my talent but they did catch me after all. That was because I was laughing too hard when they chased me. Looking at them run with angry expressions on their face couldn’t make me focus on my run. It was very hilarious to be running away from people who want to do harm to you while laughing.

Dachshund is very responsive when I teased her. Even till now, she is responsive and teasing her has never been boring. I could never get bored teasing her. I had so much fun yesterday meeting an old friend that is close to the family. She is married now with two kids and her children take after her hair; curly like the curly fries in A&W. Many of them are married now and I am the only one who is still single. I supposed they don’t really know what and how I am. I have never showed signs that I am gay towards them and even if they were to second guess, I wouldn’t think that they would thought I am gay. I prefer it to be like that.

There were games during the party for the children and Kus Semangat, another of my cousin sister became the emcee. Kus Semangat has a talent for hosting. She is as big as a baby bear, with loud strong voice that would rock the whole place with vibration when she shouts. Children are afraid of her voice but she is very adorable actually. The games were boring and I think it lacked excitement. The children were not enthusiastic and the adults were busy chit chatting among themselves while I watched the children. I somehow felt a sense of motherhood watching the children. I don’t know Diary. Perhaps it is just temporary. You know how emotional I can get sometime.

Looking at the children make me miss the woman I am in love with. I wish I could start a family with her but I know it is just a fantasy that will never come true because she merely exists in my dreamland.

Got to go now Diary…

PS: if you see her, let her know I miss her ok…

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