I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, November 5, 2010

It Is Friday And Not Saturday...

Dear Diary,

I have mistaken Friday to be a Saturday and I just realized that I was wrong in the afternoon. I woke up at 7 in the morning and got ready to fetch my mum. I heard the alarm went off clearly and I took about 10 minutes to get out of bed. I was tired because I have been going to bed late lately and waking up early in the morning. I forced myself out of the bed and finally left home at half past 7 for mum’s workplace.

I got there at 8 and I thought mum would have waited for me but she did not. Apparently she did not bring her handphone and my text messages to her were all useless. She couldn’t contact me at all and I was left at the carpark waiting for her for almost an hour. After the 7th attempts of calling her she finally picked up the phone and told me she left the phone at home and she was already home now. I was not mad at her instead I just drove back home. I was sleepy and I knew there was no point in getting mad.

I spent my days mostly at home nowadays doing my work. There seem to be so many I have to do. Sometimes I feel that I need to change but I do not know what is it that I need to change. It is just instinct you know. It is like the kind of thing only you know and wish it has been easier.

I met up with Hippo on Friday night and I spent about 1 hour driving her car. It is a manual car and I haven’t driven manuals since the day I got my license. I have totally forgotten how to drive manuals and it was something that I have been thinking to do. I wouldn’t say that I did great but I can say that I still remember the techniques only that I am much less skillful now. I might take up a refresher course soon. Her car has an engine capacity of 1600cc with a small body and it is strong in terms of engine but small in terms of body. Her husband tried to explain to me the theories of driving manuals and he got me somehow lost and I think I was in that ‘blur like a sotong’ state again.

Oh well Diary, who drives manuals nowadays? Driving her car somehow put me in disbelief that I had actually managed to pass without understanding the theory behind how manuals work. Since the day I got my license, I have only driven automatic and that makes me rather ignorant about manuals. You know Diary, the syllabus in Singapore has changed now. Students have the options to learn manuals or automatics. During the time I took mine, I only had one choice which was the manual only. My mother is taking the automatic and so I have to bear in mind if I were to buy a car in Singapore, it has to be automatic.

I have been thinking about my car in Malaysia. I am pretty sure now that I will stop leasing it once the contract has expired in June next year. Mum will probably get her license then and it is good to have a second car. At least she can drive to Tangkak whenever she can without having to use the main car and most importantly, she and dad are not dependent on us anymore to take her to places. I have been thinking to park my car at my aunt’s place in JB but I am not sure about it. You see, my aunt can be such a temperamental woman and it makes me awkward at times. I think I will figure this one out myself.

Rolly Polly has brought to light her intention to lease my car for another year but I really think it is not a good idea. Frankly, my family and I need the car more by next year. Like I said, mum would definitely has gotten her license and believe me, she may want to call my car her own. *Chuckles* I am not sure of mostly everything nowadays. I do not even know if I might be in Singapore or Subang Jaya next year because I have gotten a couple of offers now but I am just uncertain about it all. They are just talks you know, nothing concrete yet therefore I couldn’t say that it is a definite thing to happen. I wish they are something that I can say definite but sadly they are not so I guess I have to wait some more.

If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well right Diary? If it is so then I supposed it is worth waiting for too…

I got to go Diary…I am sleepy and my heart is missing her so badly. A good sleep is what I need now to heal my missing heart.

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