I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Screwing Up Session

Dear Diary,

I went to HDB for my first appointment for the buying of my client’s house and it was somewhat embarrassing. Well, I am not sure but it seems to me that everytime I tried to make sure that I have all the documents ready before hand, there will always be a piece of document that I would miss. It is rather annoying and can be painstakingly disastrous.

I remembered last time I had overlooked the statutory declaration form that has to be filled up by agent and so I ensured that I did not forget it this time. However just as I thought I had every form ready, I missed the HDB loan application form for my buyer. It was very frustrating to get everything right and in order the first time. That is why people say experience is the teacher of fools. I am the fool and yes, I have learnt my lesson quite well.

I was punctual for the appointment and while I waited for the seller and the seller’s agent to arrive, I double checked my file. Yes, I had everything ready and when the rest of them arrived, Tina whom I would happily described as Marge Simpson who represented the seller asked me to take the queue number. So there I was walking with full of grace and confidence not wanting to look as blur like a sotong a bit, walked to the automated queue number dispenser and I pressed the button. Now Diary, it was the first time I did it and how the hell am I supposed to know that this bloody machine is not like the usual queue number dispenser you find in banks?

I had to scan my IC bar code first at the scanner and after that I had to choose from a list of options. This machine really caught me off guard and as I was thinking which option should I choose from, I was cursing this machine simultaneously. I really couldn’t believe that this piece of machine as tall as I am and as big as Gummy Bear can have the ability to make my life difficult. I reread the options I had and I chose the one that suited my situation best. I walked back to them and Marge Simpson took the queue number from me and started searching for the counter that we have to go. Somehow, being the experienced agent she noticed something amiss and I was with her walking to and fro and she was getting louder and louder.

We were supposed to give our documents first to the front counter officers only then we will be directed to the interview room for the final meeting with the assigned HDB officers. However that was not the case so she sensed something was wrong and talking at the top of her lung that I had taken the wrong queue number. I was embarrassed not because of the mistake that I had made but I was embarrassed because I think almost everybody in the hall has known and can second guess that I am a new agent. Right there and then I smiled at Marge Simpson and went back to that machine and took the correct one. Marge Simpson followed me from behind and she guided me and taught me how to do it.

I was honestly embarrassed but really Diary, at that point of time I couldn’t care much about my reputation. All I had in mind was to get it over and done quickly. So we waited for our turn and when our turn came, again I screwed up forgetting the HDB loan application form for my client. It is not that I had forgotten but I did not know that I have to get him filled the application form when he is applying the HDB loan. Right there and then, I gave the officer my ‘blur like sotong’ face and she explained to me infront of the clients and Marge Simpson. I felt like a student being reprimanded by the form teacher for forgetting to do my homework or something. I felt my face turned hot and red and I really tried to keep my cool. Oh Diary, I swear if I were a turtle, I would have slid my head right into my shell straight away. It was so torturous to be in my situation at that time. I screwed up one thing after another. The counter staff directed me to the reception and I asked for the loan application form and filled it up for my buyer. After that we waited for the HDB officer to interview us.

Our number was called and I went in with my client first while the sellers waited outside the interview room. I really thought I had done the financial calculation correctly but again, I screwed up because the officer was telling me something about insufficient fund in my client’s CPF ordinary account so we could not proceed with the sale transaction. I was pissed! I almost lost my head because I honestly thought I had done the financial calculation correctly and had ensured my client has sufficient fund in his CPF account. I called up HDB customer service hotline thrice and asked them to guide me on the phone and there was no mentioning of any insufficient fund in CPF. My client looked at me at that point of time but I still kept my cool not wanting to have any eye contact with him. I knew having eye contact with him would mean war. I asked the HDB officer again slowly and clearly to repeat and explain what he just said.

He did and my client started defending his position. I let him talked so I could get a better picture of what was really the problem. I frankly couldn’t figure out what was the problem truly. All I knew was that this HDB officer told me that he had to postpone this transaction because of the lack of funds in the CPF account. So after my client spoke, I spoke too and I told the officer that all that is required of my client is to have at least 10% of the buying price in his account and the rest will be taken from the loan. My client will also have more funds refunded back into his CPF account after the sale of his house. So there, I made my point clear and the HDB officer excused himself probably to seek the advice from someone senior than him and he came back with good news.

I let out a sigh of relief. What a day to start the day Diary. During the course of the interview, I felt like asking him if he is new in HDB. He gave us a suspense that could cause me my heart. My heart has had enough and there he was giving another bombshell to my heart. I felt my heart shrink a little nowadays.

I got to go Diary. Take care my love.

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