I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, November 12, 2010

My Resume Talk and Skin Colour

Dear Diary,

I have been waking up at 6 in the morning for a couple of days this week to send mum to work. When I came back home, I did not go back to sleep instead I would spend my time doing the housework or I would just sit down and daydream. That is what I would do normally. I will always take my time to shower and to start my work. That is how I am and thus I really think that I am not the kind of person to be working from home. Ironically, when I have the mood to work diligently the environment at that point of time is not conducive for me.

I have updated my resume and I know who I want to send it to. I spent my time this morning surfing for tips on how to create an impressive resume. I copied the format and started writing mine. I think my resume this time looks better. I can say that I made some major changes to it and I am rather proud of it. I still intend to be in the property market but it is only on a part time basis.

Oh Diary, did I tell you that I was mistaken as a Filipino when I fetched mum the other day? She was late and so I got out of the car to buy something to snack on at 7-11 and while I was sitting at the bench, a lady came up to me and spoke to me in Mandarin. I spoke to her in English and told her I did not understand her as I am not Chinese. And then she apologized and asked me if I am a Filipino. So I told her that I am Malay and she was kind of shock. I did not budge because I get that a lot. And there and then we got into a little conversation about my family history on how I got to look like a Chinese, Filipino, Thai and even a Burmese. I really get that a lot and sometimes I kind of get bored with it.

People only used to mistaken me as Chinese but since the sudden influx of Filipino and Burmese into Singapore, I have been thought to be one of them as well. How times change since I left Singapore five years ago. Anyhow, I think I have grown darker a bit. But, I don't know. I think I have. *Grins*

I have to start writing the affidavit for Hippo tomorrow. Did I tell you she seeks my help to write her an affidavit? She is not engaging a lawyer thus she needs someone with better English than hers to write her an affidavit. I supposed she thinks that my English is better than hers.*Chuckles* I have not even started a page and I really have to do it tomorrow before she needs it.

I have been busy Diary. There are so many things that I have to do. I have always thought that I would have all the time since I work from home but I guess not. On the contrary, I think working from home gives me little time to myself. I can imagine how housewives are feeling now. Many of us would think that housewives have the most time to themselves but I really don’t think so. Time is so hard to come by nowadays.

I might probably be sending out my resume tomorrow Diary. So please wish me luck. I have seen a couple of vacancies posted by property developer and I might give it a go. I will still be in the sales profession and yes, in the property industry but I hope to find something with a basic salary and commission. I will still be an agent on a part time basis. When I have my salary from my full timejob, then I can do a bit of marketing for the real estate. I need money to do everything Diary. Without money, I really cannot make money out of real estate. Dad is retiring end of this year and so that makes it even more stressful.

I got to go already. Talk to you tomorrow ok.

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