I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Will Be On A Road Trip...With Her!

Dear Diary,

I chatted awhile with Dark Chocolate this afternoon. She is back in Malaysia and she finds it awkward to be home. She told me she is lonely and all her friends are gone. Most of them are married and it made her feel so alone. I supposed she is feeling what I felt before when I first came back to Singapore. Changes, nobody can really adapt to changes easily especially overnight. I am still coping with the changes and I am not sure when will I finally accept the changed that has happened in my life.

How are you Diary? Have you been missing me like how I have missed you? I will be away tomorrow until Sunday and I hope I will come back with so much stories for you. I went to renew my passport this afternoon and apparently, my mum might have misinformed me about the procedures. I really thought that I could get the passport ready in a day but I was wrong. Well, that is what my mother told me. It was a lucky thing that my passport has at least seven months before it expires. If it were six months, I wouldn’t be able to go out of Singapore.

I tried to play a prank on Hello Kitty about it but she just wouldn’t believe me. I reckon she already knows what I am like. Time really can make people learn and study of someone else’s behavior. I am in the midst of trying to make a decision of what I want to do. To have a full time sales job or continue being an estate agent. It is not that easy to make a decision based on that but what I will put myself into if I choose either one makes it hard to make a decision.

I am relax a bit today Diary. I guess chatting to Dark Chocolate makes me feel at ease. At least, now I know almost everybody will feel like how I do. I supposed it is natural isn’t it Diary?

I have to go now Diary. I have a long day tomorrow. Hello Kitty is fetching me and we will be on a road trip. I can’t wait to have my car back so I can plan for road trip all the times. You know how I have enjoyed driving. I just have to make lots of money to do that. In nowadays context, money does buy everything. Don’t you agree?

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