I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some Things Need To Be Discussed

Dear Diary,

I have written about three paragraphs and I accidentally discarded the file. Silly me. I still want to write though but the only problem is, I am sleepy and tired. I have been mentally tired since the day i quit my job and it has not stopped since. I supposed there are a lot of things in my mind especially with what I want to do with my life. I know what I want to do you know, but to get there takes some time and the hurdles that I have to face getting there is tremendous.

Age is catching up but amazingly, I do not look my age. *chuckles* oh well come on Diary, I got to compliment myself in times of my adversities. You do understand don't you? How are you Diary? I hope you are not as disturbed as I am. Hello Kitty just went home. We had dinner together but she will not be spending the night here with me as she has ran out of the 10 days free.

There are so many rules and regulations for foreign registered cars to come into Singapore. I hate the systems sometimes but I understand why Singapore has to have the systems. But really, at times when you feel that the system does not favour you, naturally you would feel that it is troublesome.

I discussed a bit about my plan with Hello Kitty. I just had to Diary. I need second opinions and I figured it is important that I talk to her. I have one job offer now but it is so demanding to work for that company. I really don't know if I should take it. There are no other offers yet but I know if I just keep sending out my cv, it will come but the question is, how long can I wait?

I got to go. Love you so much Diary.

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