I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Think I Am Going To Leave...

Dear Diary,

I am so tired now. If I lay on the bed, I am sure I can simply fall asleep. How are you Diary? Have you been getting on well? Since the time I started writing to you, I have yawned for about four times. Work has really taken its toll on me and I am not sure how long I can last because I strongly feel that they will let me go tomorrow. My fate is uncertain in that company but instinct tells me that I absolutely have no future there.

Everyday when I wake up I have this feel of fear and bored to go to work. I did it for my parents all these while. I endured for a month and I persevered but I guess I have to admit defeat. There are so many things to say and tell about that company. Everything seems so nice on print media about that company. Never had I imagine that they would have that kind of unhealthy working environment. They have no standard operating procedures and Mr. Potato is just one son of a bitch that you do not want to have any contact. He is mean, rude, egotistical, arrogant and worst of all negative. He is the typical British man who thinks white man is still superior than, Asians.

I have lost steam and my juice of excitement has run low on supply. I have to drag myself to work. I am confused with their instructions. All they do to me is to make me even more confuse than how I already am. I feel like my hands and legs tied together when they want me to do my job. Everytime I am on the phone talking to prospects, I would have Mr. Potato breathing down my neck listening to every word I said. Tell me Diary, how someone can be natural, real and comfortable working when his superior acts like that? Every morning during role call, what you might say wrong in your phone calls will become a topic for them to discuss. They always make it like as though you did not know how to do your job well. Did they ask themselves why did we say the wrong words in the first place? Honest to God, I really did not feel that the training they conducted was well planned because if it were well planned, none of these hiccups would have happened.

Mr. Potato never fails to contradict himself. The instructions he gave me always did not reflect the company’s policy as a whole. I cannot compose my own email to send to prospects, I cannot surf the internet to do my research and I cannot go to my colleague’s place to chat. The situation at work is too controlling. I feel like I am working in a prison or something. There are just too many unwritten rules that I just do not know about. Mr. Potato always seems to be concern of what we talk about when I went to the others to have a chat about work. It is just annoying at how he would come up to you and asked what is going on when the conversation does not concern him at all.

The salary package is good and the office has decoration concept that tells you it has the finishing touches of a designer. The pantry has machines that serve you drinks you can find in a café like, cappuccino, latte, espresso, and tea of all sorts. Each staff has their own locker and I cannot deny that everything in the office impressed me. Everything seems nice and well decorated. Ironically, the running of the sales department slacked a lot. There are no standard operating procedures and too many managers with different working styles. I got confused with their instructions. I find myself getting puzzled with how to do things daily. Mr. Potato is just not approachable. He is simply a difficult man to explain things. I am not sure of my fate tomorrow but I will let you know soon Diary. Take care.

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