I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Forex Will Be My Support

Dear Diary,

How have you been? I am fine except that my cough is getting worst. My chest hurts when I cough. My throat hurts when I swallowed my saliva. Eeuuu...hahaha well who does not swallow his saliva? Everybody does. In fact we might end up swallowing our partner's saliva too after we kiss. *grins*

I have not taken any medicine for my cough because all the medicines mostly make me feel groggy and sleepy. I do not like to spend my time sleeping too much when I am not working. I feel that time is wasted. I spend my time watching the market nowadays. I study the trend and I learnt how to read the charts and predict where the direction of the market is going. I am not good yet, in fact I am far from good. I have made a profit of $279.82 (as I am writing to you) in my demo account. I have so many things to learn about Forex. I am excited and I am waiting for the right time to open a real live account. There are people who started small and there are who started big. I have heard a few who only started with as little as $100. I suppose it all depends on how much you want to risk.

I am thinking of $3000 just so I could trade comfortably without worrying about insufficient margin and equity. I am still doing some reading on margins and equity. I know what they mean but I just need to know how much is enough if I leave open positions overnight for so many days. What is the ideal ratio I should invest out of my capital. The stuffs like that are important to me because I have not mastered chart reading techniques yet. As of now, I have about 16 open positions which I still cannot close because the market is going against me. Perhaps I was excited that I overlooked the logic of Forex trading when I opened those positions. I have left them opened for 6 days now. I am still waiting for the market to be in my favour to close those 16 positions. Oh Diary, my profit has risen to $285.27 now. 

I opened a few positions while writing to you and managed to close them within 30 minutes. If you had noticed, my profits are not big at all but I do not mind because I am at a learning process. To make consistent profits is my priority. Yes, I can make big profits provided I play it big and with many contracts/lots at a time. I have not done that yet. I am looking around for a free seminar on Forex. There is one tonight but I missed it because I did not register earlier. 

Oh yeah, I went for the interview at the bank yesterday. I do not know if I stand any chance of getting the job but the interviewer was so damn nice and polite. She was so soft spoken and kind. She did not ask me any questions on my previous experiences. I am simply confused actually. She did not even ask me for my identification card to cross check with my resume and application form. It makes me think that this interview was too easy. Really it was. I did not see any other candidates when I was there. I was the only one. Oh never mind...I am not stress out. I know I have Forex to fall back on if I do not have a job. I simply have to open a real account earlier than expected I think

I have other plans now, to be in a business is still in it but I guess I have to put it off for now. I supposed it is better for me to use the savings I have for the stall to invest in Forex and make my money grow while broaden my knowledge and sharpen my trading skills. At least five years from now, I can see how much I have progress in Forex if I never stop learning and trading it. I know this is the thing that I have been looking for. Business is still a business, but Forex is something else. You can do it alone all by yourself. You get what I mean Diary? 

Ps: Dear FB...If I am good at it, perhaps it is for you. 

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