I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy Snapping

Dear Diary,

I am feeling irritable today. I suppose I am simply stressed out about everything. I feel that I am not getting the moral support that I should be getting from the people closest to me. I do not know what I am feeling now. It is hard to describe. The headache is back again. Yes, perhaps the process of getting the business started is taking its toll on me. But then again, this is just the beginning. I have not even started. 

Do you get what I mean now Diary? I am a natural worrier. This is what I am afraid of. I guess it is time for me to coach myself to be carefree a little. I guess I have to play it safe. If I have to do it alone, then I will. Frankly, I am seeing the bigger picture now. I am not sure if I should have a business partner. I don't know Diary...I am just not feeling it. I am probably not in the right mind to make a decision now. I am tired, sleepy and angry at the moment. I just snapped at someone just about an hour ago. I supposed I just needed an avenue to let my steam off. Oh Fuck it Diary.....

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