I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Please Do Not Panick

Dear Diary,

I am on sick leave for two days. I did not plan this but I was just lazy to get out of my bed and I ended up oversleeping myself therefore I decided to take sick leave for the day. I went to the doctor thiking of what to say. The truth is, I have been sick since Chinese New Year. I drove up to Tangkak and did not really have much time sleeping and resting while I was there. I was down with fever, cough and cold. I thought it was only natural since I knew I had little time of rest.

When I got to the clinic I told the doctor about that. He was surprised as it has been a week since CNY. He took my temperature and it was 37.5 deg cel. Yes, I felt feverish when I was in Tangkak, I took panadols and drank some coconut water. I felt that the fever subsided but it still hangs around actually. The doctor then listened to my heartbeat, I kinda made a sound when I was breathing. Like when I was inhaling, there was a sound from my heart. I have noticed this but I really thought it was the phlegm from the cough. Although I knew it was unnatural, I did not give it too much of my attention. He made me took the nebuliser and listened to my heartbeat again. 

I still made the sound. It was natural. I did not fake it just so I could get the sick leave. It came out naturally and I was kinda worried. The doctor asked me if I am asthmatic. No I am not. There is not an asmathic in my family except for my cousin, niece and aunty. He seemed concerned and puzzled. He arranged for me to go for an x-ray at a nearby polyclinic tomorrow and so my sick leave is extended to two days. Again, this was all unplanned. My only reason for not coming to work was laziness but it seems that it has gotten serious. The doctor said that there could only be two possibilities. One is asthma, two is lung infections. I would prefer the latter. 

The clinic bill was a whopping $42 and I swear I was not prepared for that. I have to prepare some more cash for tomorrow's x-ray and the medical fees at the clinic tomorrow. I went home and told my dad. He got worried and told me sternly to stop smoking and take care of my health. Dad probably told my mother and mom came into my room and again nagged at me for that. They are concerned I supposed. I guess it is going to be alright. As long as it is not something serious like cancer I am fine. Well, I hope things are going to be alright. I am panicking a little now. I am sad. Cheer me up Diary....

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