I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Practice Makes Perfect

Dear Diary,

The search for a stall is put on hold for awhile. Do not ask me why. I do not know it myself. All I am feeling right now is to think what I wanna do next. I really do not know what to say. The money is almost ready, I have tendered and waiting for my last day at work but I supposed the fear just gets to me you know. All the phone calls I have made seemed to give me a reality check of what it is going to be like once I have the stall. I am still giving myself some time. My would be business partner is quiet too. She has not asked anything about the plan. I let it be.

Last night was the first time I practice my Forex trading skills with a demo account. I have been reading about Forex for a few days now. i watched youtube videos on it and did some research on it. I downloaded ebooks about it. There are so many things to say about Forex. One thing for sure, it can make you huge profits but it can also make you huge losses. That is trading. It is not always rainbows and butterflies. I downloaded a trading platform and I am using the demo account for now. I still do not understand the trading platform fully but I am getting myself familiarise with it. 

I supposed I have to use it and wear it in order to know it. Many regular traders also said that the best thing to learn about Forex is to try it yourself with a demo account. Going for expensive seminars can be quite useless because the seminars only last for two or three days. There will be hundreds of people attending the seminars therefore there will not be one to one guidance. How much can you learn like that? Furthermore, the seminars are really not cheap, it can be quite expensive. I am exchanging emails though with one full time regular trader. He has his own website and I recently downloaded his ebook on Forex. He is by far the only one that I am seeking advise on Forex. 

Well, there are a lot to say about Forex. The 'veteran' traders said, treat it like a business. Have a trading plan just like having a business plan before you start your business. One thing I like about Forex is, it is a big market and you can do it in the comfort of your own home. No need for you to have a physical business premise or hire staff to run it. You simply need a computer or a laptop and an internet connection. I can even trade on my iPad or android using the web based trading platforms. Best of all, I can do it wherever and whenever I like when the market opens. 

The money I have for the business now, I think I will keep it first. I would like to grow that money. The dream of having a restaurant is still mine but perhaps this is not the right time yet. Maybe I should grow that money first with Forex. 

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