I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, February 25, 2013

Good Morning Monday

Dear Diary,

It is Monday. I am on the train to work. This morning the Forex market opens again and I began my trading again. The market opens from Monday to Friday 24 hrs a day. That is a good thing because it gives us traders the opportunities to make or lose money round the clock. Hahaha....my demo account has been generating profits. They are not big but on the average I make about $50 profit daily. I have yet to master the techniques and the trading platform. 

I suppose the things I have to master first are the common Forex trading jargons and terms. Also, I have to know what are their functions. I think I have found the most suitable way to grow my money and be cash rich. It is not too early to say because I know with Forex, you surely can make lots of money and vice versa. It depends on how you trade though. That is why experienced Forex traders always emphasized on the correct techniques. 

I have been chatting up with an old acquaintance just the other day. Ohh I do not know what to say about it but that conversations somehow has an impact on me. Oh Diary....things changed and let alone people. 

Catch you later Diary.

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