I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, February 18, 2005

let me drive my car

dear diary,

i passed my basic theory test and now i am moving on to final theory test. when i first got the letter from singapore driving centre, i didn't think i would pass. upon seeing the result slip, i couldn't believe my eyes, it was my first time taking it and knowing how difficult it can be for some people to pass, i was glad and overjoyed with my result. after i sat for the test, i had the confidence that i would pass but i did not hope so much on my instinct. there were 50 questions altogether and i managed to answer most of them and left out only 2. i came back to those 2 questions and attempted them. we are only allowed to have 5 mistakes in order to pass and i assumed that i only got those two wrong, that is why i passed. the theory trial practice really help students to get familiar with the questions and build the confidence in them.

i attended the theory trial practice almost daily and i know how much it can do to students if they are focus and attentive. i am doing the same for my final theory test and hopefully i will pass at the first try. i have heard that some people have so much difficulty passing final theory test, hulk took it for 10 times before he managed to pass. but it was no surprised because he did not attend the lessons and did not study as well. there are so many process to go through before you are able to get your license. there are 3 stages altogether and you need to pass the stage chronologically before you can proceed to the next one. the first stage will be the basic theory test, the second stage will be the final theory test and the last stage will be the practical test. over here, you need to pass your basic theory test first before you are allowed to go for your practical lessons.

you need to have a provisional driving license (pdl) first for practical lessons and you can only apply for a PDL with your basic theory test result slip. each PDL last for 6 months and each application cost 25 dollars. so i know now why students always plan their schedule carefully to avoid applying for PDL more than once. once the 6 months expires and if the student fails his practical test, he has to fork out another 25 dollars for renewal of the PDL and also the fees for practical lessons. it is really not cheap when we calculate it. i know some people spent more than 2 thousand dollars for a driving license, however there are a few i know who only spent about 1 thousand dollars. i think you need to know how to go about to get good lessons but yet cheap. many have agreed that private driving instructors are cheaper than school's driving instructor and many have also argued that school's driving instructor are better than private. it's subjective and it all boils down on the students.

i know a few people who had got their license from private practical lessons and i also know students who seem to take forever to get their license as a student in a driving school. there are always pros and cons and we as students have to do our homework first and weigh the pros and cons wisely. we also need to have initiative to ask questions to our driving instructor instead of waiting to be told. my preference would be taking my practical lessons from a private instructor because i am not willing to part with so much of my money to high course fees to a driving school. on the average, the course fees as a private student is half the cost of being a student in a driving school.

everybody knows that but i believe people still register as a student in driving school because they still believe and have the impression that students in driving schools have more privileges and this include less waiting time for test dates. i doubt so, it is unlikely to happpen here with all those systems. i went to register for my final theory test last monday and it will be on the 8th of March at 8pm. i have registered for the theory trial test as well and this sunday, i am going to spend the whole day there practising. i really want to get on with this as i do not have much time. the clock is ticking and i have plenty of other things to do in my agenda. the paperwork about furthering my studies is still on going and i do not wish to be moving out of here without a license. i hope my budget allows me to get a reliable vintage car.

i love vintage cars and what i have in mind is a mini morris or a volkswagen beetle, however any vintage car will do so long as they are in good driving condition and reliable. many friends have told me that it's better to buy fist hand car there as the roads and traffic conditions are totally different than over here. driving a car in good shape is a necessity to make sure i will not be troubled with frequent high maintenance cost and the risk of having the car breaks down in the middle of a busy road or nowhere. it looks like i really have to think twice about it all. i still would love to drive a vintage car and i have the intention to remodify its outlooks and perhaps change, upgrade or overhaul the engine if necessary. of course this will all depend on my budget and the practicality of my idea. can't really say if my parents would buy me a car but i have the feeling that they would however, i am and will not hope.

little sister replied my email but she didn't explain why there was a difference in her email. i noticed that she didn't even call me big sister anymore. i am not sure, somehow i know why but i am not telling. she also said that she has not think about what to do yet. well, i guess she has plenty of time to do so. i don't think she is in a rush. she told me sometimes she will experience back pain in her spine. my spine hurts when i read her email. i feel sorry for her. she takes pain killers to ease the pain. little sister is thinking of going back to her hometown but she is reluctant to do so when the thought of her good friends and loved ones come across her mind. i can understand how she feels, once you get too comfortable with a place or a person, it's hard to say goodbye. the truth is, i don't want her to leave. if possible i want her to stay in KL so that i know she is close to me once i am there for good. i am not sure if we were ever going to meet but i just want to feel close to her. i really hope that we are able to meet one fine day.

have i told you about a girl i met? i am sure i have but not in details am i right? i met her on my first day there. we met at central market and we spent the entire day to ourselves. it seems not enough that we extended it till the next morning. that night, i didn't check in to my apartment, instead i put up at her place. we got better acquainted and i have never felt happier before. i feel that i can click with her and somehow i feel for her. i never thought that it would turn out to be like that. all the while i had been trying to avoid any feelings to develop and to avoid any actions that might lead to another, i failed and i am facing with the consequences now. i am sure that i like her and there were chemistry between us. the only thing that holds us back is the fact that we are separated by distance.

we both have mutual understanding about it and we did not talk about love anymore although there are bits and pieces of love sentiments in our daily conversations. the things that make me attracted to her are her simplicity, intelligence and her humility. she has the qualities that i want in a girl. she's smart and matured, i enjoyed every conversations i had with her during the times we were together. we went to lots of places together and we had tea, dinner and supper together. she made me feel good and there were times when i wanted to hold her hand. i wanted to feel her skin against mine. there were times when our shoulders brushed against each other and there were times when we casually hold each other's waist. we were acting like a couple and we got too comfortable with each other.

i met up with wira and brought her along. i am sure wira thought us as a couple without asking me personally. i really wonder what does she think of us. her presence in my life now seems to boost my desire to move out of here quickly. indirectly, she has become my source of inspirations and motivations. i want the process to speed up and somehow i feel i am doing it because of her. diary, aramis has stayed put in my heart but being in love with her is equivalent to being in love with the wind. i can feel it but i can never touch and hold it. this love i have for her is intangible unless both of us makes and effort but i know it is unlikely because she is busy with her boutique and her mother.

furthermore she is not in a place convenient for me to visit even when i am there for good. i am not sure what i am getting myself into. my weaknesses are girls and i can never get enough of them. i like to be around them and i like to be touch and hold by them but i am sure i do not want to commit myself to all of them. i may enjoy their company but i certainly am selective when it comes to choosing someone to accompany me for life. to feel comfortable is the highest priority because when i feel comfortable, i can let my hair down and really be myself when i am with her. i feel comfortable with taj mahal and i hope she feels the same way too. i hope she will be there for me like how i want to be there for her in times of her need.

i still think of aramis but i don't know if she is feeling like how i am feeling now. it is hard to tell and even difficult to comprehend because taj mahal has captured my heart. this is what we call love isn't it? it feels so good only in the beginning, not sure how long it will last. but sometimes, when two people are in love wholeheartedly, the love will blossom even more with times. that is what i want in my relationship. a love that never dies with times, a love that lives beyond any boundaries and a love that does not grow old with age.

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