I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, February 2, 2005

wait for me

dear diary,

i met hippo last night and she explained to me about the changes made to the trip. i listened and i understood her. i never blamed her anyway but just a little dissapointed. i couldn't care less and didn't think it was such a big deal. i guess hippo felt bad about the many changes she has made to the trip and meeting me personally without the presence of her colleagues help to make me understand of why she had to make those changes. i knew it was an act of courtesy by her after acknowledging our 13 years of friendship and i truly appreciated it.

i am so sleepy today and i wish i could just continued sleeping instead of having to wake up and leave home. Hang Tuah made a lot of noise last night and in the morning. i think he has got our habits registered into his brain and if he notices something unusual, he would call out loudly signalling to us that we are not doing things the usual way. i started to notice it when dad overslept one morning and missed his 'yassin' in the morning. Tuah made a lot of noise and only shut up when dad woke up. sometimes, i feel like throwing Tuah my pillow into his face for interrupting my sweet dream. he can be annoying in the morning without even knowing it. he is one week late for shower and i have asked my brother to bathe him on sunday. i always like to kiss him, he never fail to smell good regardless if he hadn't taken his shower for so long. i love him so much! i am really going to miss him when i am in KL and it's his smell that i will miss most.

i packed my stuffs to bring to kl last night. i know it's too early but it is always better to be 3 hours too early than 3 minutes too late. i never like to do things in a hurry, i will always end up forgetting something. i like to pack my stuffs early so it gives me time to think of other things to bring and to find the things to bring on time before i leave. i have to bring extra shoes and sandals and i also have to bring my prayer materials. i can't wait to be out of here, i think i have not been away for a long time and this trip might gives me a boost in the long run.

i am meeting up with all of my old friends and also my newly made friends. i just updated my contact list in my palmtop and realised that i have more friends in malaysia than in singapore. it's funny how i can reach to that stage but i guess it's true when people say, absence makes the heart grows fonder. people will tend to miss and keep in touch with good long distance friends. probably because they do not have the luxury of meeting as often and call as often as close distance friends, so they will take every opportunity to maintain the friendship. i have made many friends over the internet. i think i have known about 100 people but i chose some among them to be my friends. i can say that i am selective to be around people. i do not mingle with people easily and only do so when i am comfortable with them. i guess that's how it should be isn't it? we select people to be our friends not just any tom, dick or harry. i would rather have one good quality friend than a dozen friends without quality.

hulk called me last night talking about hippo. i just feel that he does not fancy hippo a lot. there are always something that hippo does that turn hulk off or not cool to him. i didn't say anything and just let him talk. i guess some people have different preference for a friend. but it is always the three of us, probably because it's only us that have not got married. hulk and i have been travelling and hiking buddies for a long time. we have travelled together, climbed mountains together and slept in the same tent together. hippo only joined us not long after that. but i know i can depend on hulk more than hippo.

hulk is a decent guy, someone trustworthy and reliable. asks him for favour and he would gladly do it for you. i have asked him for lots of favour and he never failed me once. in return, i always give him treats of luxurious meals. he enjoys it and so do i. hulk and i can get along well most of the times even though we have had our fair share of disagreements. however, i am more comfortable with hippo than hulk probably because she is of the same gender as i am and she knows what are my sexual preferences. *grins*

i think i might get myself a pair of shoes in KL that is if i can find one pair that suits me. i always have trouble finding shoes that is eye catching to me. sandals and slippers are in and most of the shoe shops have them on sale than proper shoes. i am so sick and tired of them. it is time to get a pair of proper shoes. i also need to collect my clothes from ash. she has bought me shirts a long time ago but always forgets to bring them everytime i meet her. it's been awhile since i met her and i really wonder how she looks like. she told me she has cut her hair short like a boy. i think she will look even younger with short hair.

this trip to KL will bring lots of memories to me. i will be meeting a few new friends and i will for the first time, welcome the birth of my god daughter. i think she is going to be pretty. my imagination of her would be a fair looking girl, with curly hair, tall and lanky. my god daughter is going to be the talk of the school once she has started schooling. i am sure every boy will be after her. *grins* i am not sure what maggie will name her but i hope it is going to sound nice. knowing that i am going to be god mother is so exciting. i am so thrilled at the idea and i cannot wait to help maggie raises her.

i think i am going to be a dotting mother to her but at the same time i will stress on discipline. i cannot wait to adopt children of my own. i want to have 2 girls and 2 boys. i like big family and i will raise them to be good children. i will make sure they become successful with whatever they are doing. i have prepared names for them and all of them sound good classic names to me. i must be financially stable and strong at least to adopt 4 children. i hope i will be and i am really looking forward to it. i think it is going to be the highlight of my life to be able to adopt them. i just have to make sure that i stay focus in my goals and be single minded about it all. futhermore, having a family of my own is the ultimate dream.

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