I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, February 25, 2005

when generosity comes with a price

dear diary,

i am appalled at how stingy some people can be. if i had to take lunch, i would always go to the foodcourt i often frequent. mee soto is what i have always ordered and i have begun to recognise the staffs working there. i do not have any problem with them but i do feel uneasy if one particular staff who served my order. this particular staff i assumed is about early 40's and i do not like her at all. i have noticed that she is stingy with the serving of the food and not very generous. i wonder if they do have any standard operating procedure or certain guidelines to follow in serving the food. mee soto is always served till the soup level reaches about 2cm below the rim of the bowl but only with her it is served till the soup level reaches 5cm below the rim of the bowl. i was not happy when i was served like that and certainly i was not please at all. i let it go when i experienced it for the first time.

two weeks later, i ordered the same food and again i was unlucky to be served by that stingy stupid staff. the difference in portion was so obvious that i began to feel disgusted by her. now, i could have eaten somewhere else but it is inconvenient for me to do so, thus i stick to my routine. two days ago, i ordered the same thing and there she was serving me. i had hope earlier that she won't be serving me but there was no other customers at that time and having someone else instead of her to serve me was a hope which is too far reaching. i surrender to my fate and i knew she was going to serve me a bowl of mee soto 5cm below the rim of the bowl, so i asked for extra noodles which cost 50 cents more. when i remembered that she was not generous in everything else, i had asked for extra soup as well to play safe not even thinking that it would cost me. the minute when i asked for more soup, she gave me an unpleasant look and told me that it will cost me 4 dollars in all.

i kept my cool and didn't even look at her. when i went to the cashier to pay for my food, i spoke to the cashier whom i believed is the owner of the stall about what i think. she seemed embarrassed and apologetic and i told her that if a request for extra soup which consist of water and spices could cost me another 50 cents, they might as well charge me for the chilli. what bothers me most was the fact that, she was so ungenerous that it is becoming unbelievable. it seems ridiculous to the extent that it has becoming illogical. i am sure, nobody would have thought that by merely asking for an extra soup would cost us even a penny let alone 50 cents. take all the other foods in the world which are served with gravy on the side or soup. i have eaten indian prata or canai and everytime i asked for extra gravy, i cannot recall being charged extra. i have eaten mee siam and mee rebus many a times and i couldn't recall being charged extra when asked for extra soup or gravy. so where the hell is the common sense here?

i have eaten mee soto from that stall many times and i have asked for extra bean sprout but i was never charged, this was of course when i was served by different staff. therefore, i am really wondering why was i charged for the extra soup and not the extra bean sprout? did i make a mistake in my request? i asked for 'extra soup' when i wanted more soup and i asked for 'more bean sprouts' when i wanted more bean sprouts. do i have to say 'extra' in order to be charged more than usual or not? i am very unhappy with the way i was served and i wish to bring this matter to the right authority. i want them to know that i am disgust by their double standard pricing policy. it makes me sick so much that i have vowed not to have my lunch there anymore. it is not about the money as well but it's the attitude that i am disgusted with. 50 cents is just money less than a dollar but it's how i was being priced that sickened me and i cannot and will not tolerate such behaviour.

i was online last week and i saw one nick which all seem too familiar to me. i have stayed away from the nick and the person behind the nick and i do not wish to have anything to do with it anymore. i knew she has been bad mouthing me but i couldn't be bothered to care. silence is my preffered choice of retaliation. i only give my attention to people i deem worthy of my attentions and care.

little sister emailed me last two nights and she told me some stuffs that made me very dissapointed with her. i am actually more angry than dissapointed. i replied her back and i hope she gets what i mean. i hope she will not go astray and does not get easily influence with unhealthy activities. i feel happy nowadays that we are keeping in touch. at least i have someone to share my stories with. are you bored of me diary? i hope you are not cos i have plenty of stories to share with you. oh do you know that we are getting a car? my brother has passed his driving test and my dad wants to buy car for him. it is a time that we have been waiting for a long long time. i am happy with the news but i am also sad.

it's a waste that my late brother does not have the chance to celebrate with us. i feel so sad for him and i hope we will be able to experience this joy together as one whole family. i miss him so much and only god can tell how much i am missing him. he was such a good man, never had any grudges against anybody unless he was so hurt and couldn't stomach the pain caused by someone. i often think of him nowadays, i guess i cannot stop thinking about him and to stop thinking about him is only achievable when i am dead. i wish i could have taken care of him longer and better. i wish i could have talked to him often so that i know how did he feel when he was dying. he couldn't talk anymore but he could if he tried and if only i had talk to him and had more empathy towards him. god, i miss him so much and i feel bad and guilty that i did not treat him good when he was alive. i feel so lousy now and there is nothing i do that can make me feel better. i have made a promise to myself, i will not stop praying for him and i will do whatever i can to do charity and good deeds in his name.

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