I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Have Made It Now...

Dear Diary,
I was supposed to go to the bank this morning but I didn’t. Mum called and asked if I wanted to meet her somewhere but I turned down the offer because I was feeling so very sleepy still although it was already nine in the morning. I hung up the phone and I went back to sleep until I heard the door bell. I was actually dreaming and I thought the door bell I heard was in my dream until I realized that it was my mum at the door. I woke up and walked like a zombie to open the door. Frankly, I didn’t care if mum would be upset with me for still sleeping at the hour. I just couldn’t be bothered anymore to hear her nag. Surprisingly, she didn’t nag at me neither was she upset. She entered the house and put away her stuffs and told me to do the laundry and clean the house and she went to sleep. That was easy I said to myself half asleep.
It was straightforward Diary. I didn’t expect it was going to be trouble-free like that. Knowing how my mum is, it never came across my mind that she would react that way. Typically, she would nag at me at the top of her voice if she still finds me in my bed at a time where she deems I should have been up from bed. This time around, she didn’t nag and I was pleased indeed.
How was your day Diary? I hope you had a good day because I certainly did although I felt a little uncomfortable at my neck. I don’t know what’s wrong with it. I feel a little stiff at my neck area and it is quite annoying. I am still able to turn right, left, up and down but it is not usual to feel this way. I am sleepy Diary but I want to write to you because I feel that I have to tell you some story tonight.
I did the laundry today, I vacuumed, I mop and all the other household chores today. Mum woke up to a cleaner, tidier and nicer home. And guess what Diary? I took my shower early today and I felt good. You know how I dread to take shower don’t you? Gosh…broken angel already knew that about me. I think that’s the first thing about me that she noticed. You know, she never failed to ask if I had taken my shower or not and it just made me feel so attached to her every time she does that. She seems concern about my well being. She seems caring towards me. She never fails to ask if I had taken my meals or if I am tired and stuffs like that. You get what I mean Diary? She has touched my heart you know and I can feel it right here.
I thought about flying babe a little today. I stared at the ceiling while lying down and I thought about her. I wondered what would she be doing and if she is thinking about me too like how I am thinking about her. I don’t know how I feel towards her anymore. I feel angry towards her most of the times nowadays. I am angry because of how I believe she thought about me that led to the break up. Being myself, I let it be and the pain is sinking in slowly. I just cannot describe anymore about things with her. I am tired Diary. I wish all these wouldn’t have happened. I cannot deny that I still do think of her sometimes but I know times have changed and I have to move on. I am feeling okay now. I cannot say that I am over her but I know for sure that I am over Infinity. It is not like I have totally forgotten Infinity. I am still remembering her but without that same old feelings anymore. I do not feel it anymore…I think the feelings have just disappear into thin air. I have done it this time. I want to congratulate myself. I am over her Diary.

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