I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Looking Lost Looking for it...

Dear Diary,

I slept at four in the morning last night and I am feeling the side effect of it. I was supposed to go to putrajaya to send the stocks but I just couldn’t wake up. I asked Gummy Bear to give me a morning call at six thinking I would be able to wake up at just one phone call but it took three phone calls from her to wake me up. I answered her third call but I went to sleep immediately after that. Well, when I slept at four and received a morning call at six, who would have expected I could be awake by then? Only superwoman can do that and I am no superwoman.
I finally got up at half past nine and text Gummy Bear telling her that I will be late. I have an appointment with her to go to the college I was supposed to register for the course I am interested in and guess what Diary? We didn’t find the college. I came unprepared. I didn’t bring any contact numbers and full address of the school. We were looking for it like as though we were in a treasure hunt or something looking for clues to the whereabouts of the next puzzle. We asked people for directions and we literally walked at the same place repeatedly many times till I could remember the faces of every shop vendor. We were like tourist except that we looked locals. I got frustrated and lost my temper a little at my silliness for coming unprepared. Gummy bear was cool as ice. She comforted me and calmed me down. I didn’t really lose my temper but I just got frustrated with myself and the fact that we were there but we couldn’t find it. We had lunch at Mcdonalds and we talked some more. Gummy Bear kept asking me about my love life which I just hate so much to answer. Everytime she did that I felt like shoving up my Big Mac into her mouth. I stared at the empty space infront of me for a while and imagined Gummy Bear with my Big Mac in her mouth. Can you imagine that Diary? It started to annoy me and I got irritated. I managed not to get rude with her. You know if I were just being myself I could have just told her off. But Gummy Bear is just being Gummy Bear. She is too kind for me to be rude to her. I held back my boldness.
I decided not to go on with my agenda after lunch. I didn’t want to waste my time walking aimlessly like a lost tourist. Furthermore it was hot and I was sweating. I looked at Gummy Bear and she was sweating too. I laughed at her happily. Looking at her sweating was so fun. She tried hard to wipe her sweat but she just kept on sweating. I could see that her neck was sweaty and her hair got all messed up. I laughed and I laughed hard. She was cute and she just made me happy. I decided to go to Bukit Bintang to look for cameras. I have a friend working selling cameras and I thought I could get some good offers from her but when we were there, she was not working. Apparently she was on her day off. I didn’t call her first because I just spoke to her on the phone yesterday and she told me she will not be having any day off this week. I figured she would be working daily so that’s why I came unnoticed. I did look at some of the cameras there. I have an eye on DSLR cameras and I am still deciding to buy or not to buy. My digital camera is out of date actually. It is the first generation of digital camera from Olympus and it is still working fine! But I just want to own a DSLR camera. I think that it is fancy and looking at how I have a sudden interest in photography, I think I might just get it. It would be Sony or Canon. I already bought a camera bag when I was in Batam and the bag looks so lonely and gloomy being empty. A DSLR camera would look nice in it.
I sent Gummy Bear back to her hostel and like the first time, we talked a bit in the car. I was feeling so sleepy that I wished I was in my bed. The feeling was unbearable. All I needed at that time was to get some sleep. I waited and hoped that Gummy Bear would just stop talking and leave so that I could drive off to home and throw myself in my bed and drool like I always do but she just kept on sitting and expecting me to talk to her. How in the world can I think of something to talk when my brain is half asleep? But I just couldn’t chase her away Diary. She was kind enough to accompany me, didn’t lose her cool when we couldn’t find the college, didn’t make a big fuss when I decided to take the train to Bukit Bintang and leave my car parked, didn’t complain when she was sweating like as if she just came out of the oven and most of all she didn’t mind my playful teasing. I couldn’t get angry with this person with angelic characters. I decided to laugh so I could distract myself from being sleepy. I teased her a lot in the car and she just allowed me to. That’s Gummy Bear Diary, she just laughed at my silly teasing and that’s what I like about her. She allows me to get crazy without going overboard with the teasing. She’s fun to be with and yes, I didn’t feel sleepy anymore. And just when I was about to feel rejuvenated again, she asked me again about my love life, for a second I almost lost it. I told her off but in a very spontaneous way. She got my message and she understood. But we still laughed at it. We still smiled at it. When she finally got out of the car, I drove off and I went home singing “Use Somebody”…it is a good song Diary. I like it very much.

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