I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, February 2, 2009

Say A Little Prayer

Dear Diary,
I spent my time with my parents yesterday. I woke up at ten and I got online immediately. It is so crazy with how things are nowadays Diary. Broken angel has always been on my mind and I have gotten so used to her company. Even though the friendship I have built with her is merely 2 weeks old but I feel so connected to her. It is probably because she is the only person that I chat with intimately online nowadays. Allow me to emphasize to you that it is not about love Diary, it is more than that. Do you get what I mean? It is like having a best friend that you can share everything with. Only that the friend I have now is without a face. You feel good telling her about everything in your life without having to worry about the consequences.
You know why I find her attractive Diary? I don’t know how to describe but you know how it feels like when you meet someone that gives you some kind of an excitement? That’s how I feel. I feel comfortable talking to her allowing me to be what I really am. I never hide the truth from her. I never put up an act when I chat with her. She lets me be myself and the things she said don’t make me feel that I have to pretend. She seems tolerable with my outspoken attitude because she is submissive and that’s what I like about her. As I chat with her longer, the more she reveals about herself and I can see that she is beginning to trust me because I can feel that she is letting me into her world.
I managed to chat with her for awhile yesterday before I had to log out to fetch mum from work. Dad wanted to go to Simpang Renggam to get some kueh and planned to have seafood dinner at our favorite eating place Senibong. I was actually reluctant to go because I did not want to have another session of questions and answer at the Malaysia Immigration Custom. I really do not want to go through that again because it makes me worried and restless. Bro didn’t want to go as he has other plans with his friends therefore I had no choice but to drive mum and dad into Malaysia. I got my documents ready and brought them with me in case I had to explain to them why I was entering Malaysia.
I was busy saying prayers in my heart while I was driving. Can you believe that Diary? I was afraid that I will be stopped at the immigration. I was really hoping that I would get my passport stamped without any problems. The ride to the Malaysia Immigration Checkpoint was smooth. Traffic was light and there was no queue at all. Mum and dad took the white forms to enter Malaysia as our stock has dried up. It was about time for us to replenish the stocks but it was difficult as we only got five pieces each. It has always been like that. I have heard that some Singaporeans actually paid some money to get more white cards. I don’t know how true it is but it is a common story among us the Singaporeans. Just as I was figuring if that story was true, dad came back to the car and he had the white cards in his hand about ten centimeters thick. He smiled at me and I looked back at him grinning. I didn’t ask him how he got the white cards so many like that because somehow I knew how he got them like that.
Having my passport stamped was not a hassle at all. I thanked God for making the process an easy one without much trouble. I drove mum and dad to Simpang Renggam to get what they are looking for. The ride was smooth and we didn’t get lost at all. The direction from my uncle was straightforward and easy to follow. We bought kueh about Rm200 worth and brought them back to Singapore. It is funny how the kueh tasted better when we sampled them there than when we eat them at home. Did they bake the kueh to taste better and nicer as samples than for sale? I can only wonder why.
We had our seafood dinner at that favourite place. We are regulars there and are given ten to twenty percent discount every time we frequent it. That’s what it is all about when you have become regular customers and have created a bond with the owner. It is a privilege I would say. The ride home was a sleepy one. I was having this pounding headache all the way to Singapore. It was painful Diary. I think it was migraine that I had. The pain was excruciating till I had problem trying to keep my eyes open. I prayed to God to make my ride home a safe one.

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