I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, February 14, 2009

May You Be Blessed Minah Rempit...

Dear Diary,
I think it is better to mind my own business from today onwards. I will just stick to the people I want to be close with and just stay away from the people who are nothing but toxic. It is so taxing to entertain people like that. Do you remember Minah Rempit Diary? It has been a few weeks that I have not heard from her. I didn’t call her neither did she call me. The last time I heard about her was that she is now living with her family at their family house. I know where it is, I have been there and I have met almost all her family members. That’s how I got to know her family background.
So the story now is she is living with her family and thus she need not worry about not having a place to live anymore. I assume she need not have to care about not having food to eat as well. When you are living with your family, those are the things that you just don’t have to be concerned about because you know shelter and food are somehow being provided by the other elderly in the house. You don’t even have to pay rent, don’t have to be troubled about anything and everything at all because everything is made available and you don’t have to pay for it. I am assuming life is easy for her now because she is in her comfort zone under the wings of her grandmother who brought her up.
Sometimes when I looked back, I asked myself if I had made the right decision by withdrawing the police report. I probably did. But I cannot deny that I am still a little bit affected by the whole incident. She promised to repay me back the money that she had stolen and the stuffs of mine that she failed to return. It was about RM1700 in all including the cash. She was remorseful as usual, that is how she was the first time I caught her stealing my stuffs. Somehow I have learnt that it was easy for her to play ‘sorry and remorse’ after every wrong that she did. If there was an award for ‘Best Spontaneous Ugly Unpopular Actress Award’, I am positive that she would have won it.
The first time I contacted her after she left the house; she was supposed to start work on Monday in Kuala Lumpur. She was then living with her friend. She was in a terrible state at that time. She had no money, no friends, no family, no home and no pride. Now Diary, let me tell you something about life that I have learnt from my experience. When you think you have nothing in the world to live for anymore, it isn’t that difficult for you to feel remorseful. To be remorseful and sorry for your own circumstances is definitely not a tall order when you are at your rock bottom. That was how she felt therefore she made promises to me about paying back whatever that she has stolen from me. Diary, I am just going to use ‘steal, stole, stolen’ as the description of her action. I am not going to use ‘take, took, taken’ because she took my belongings from me without having my permission so that is stealing.
Diary, I didn’t bother about her promise but somehow I have to admit to you that I wished I could have gotten every single thing that she had taken from me but I didn’t. Some of the items she stole from me were given to me as gifts and they contained sentimental values. I intended to let it go but she insisted that I would believe her when she made that promised. I didn’t buy it. She told me that she would want to get a job immediately so that she could make a living and start to save money to pay back her debts to me. Again, I didn’t buy it but naturally as someone who has known her true colours, I was curious to know if she had really intended what she said. I waited for the day to come when she was supposed to start work. When the day came, she couldn’t be contacted. My calls were not returned and my texts were not replied. I let it be until Secret Recipe told me of the latest news about her.
Any latest news about Minah Rempit, I knew from Secret Recipe. I didn’t ask nor did I hire Secret Recipe to inform me about Minah Rempit but it seems to me that Secret Recipe likes to share news about that with me. I have heard that Minah Rempit went back to her family house to seek shelter and she had found herself a job and was going to start work on Monday on Thaipusam. This was last week. And to my disgust Diary, just about yesterday Secret Recipe told me that she had just met with Minah Rempit and she had not start work yet. This was due to her wanting to wait until her brother’s wedding is over. Can you see the pattern now Diary? How on earth am I supposed to be easy about what she had done to me? I feel like I have been taken like a fool. Not only that she did not make an effort to make contact with me but she is also taking her promise lightly to me.
I knew it all along that she couldn’t repay what she owes me in one lump sum therefore I gave her a grace period for her to do that. I had expected her to be thankful and at least appreciative by going to work immediately as soon as she has found a job but she didn’t giving all kinds of reasons and excuses. She didn’t even have the decent courtesy to inform me and explain. Now Diary, tell me have I not been fair to her? Have I been cruel to her? All I ask for is some courtesy, just some decent courtesy from her. Even that, she couldn’t do. I could easily leave her alone and let this matter go to rest if I hadn’t heard any news about her. But since I have heard about her from Secret Recipe, how can I not say something about it? I believe I have the right because she owes me a lot. She owes me money, belongings and explanations. I snapped at Secret Recipe for updating me about Minah Rempit’s news. I guess it is only natural for me to do that. Secret Recipe wouldn’t know what and how I would be feeling because she is not in my shoes. Of course it is easy for her. They were not her money and belongings. She didn’t need to feel the sense of loss. All she could afford to say was she didn’t understand why I snapped at her. Yeah Diary…Of course she couldn’t understand.
I didn’t want to believe Minah Rempit at all anymore Diary. I guess I will just play by my own rule. I will wait until the end of February and if she still does not call me to explain, then I will consider that she is nothing but a cheap low life liar. I may have withdrawn the police report but I shall not forgive her and I shall not approve of anything that she has taken from me which has become her flesh and blood. May she rest in peace.

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