I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, February 9, 2009

Woke Up To The Sound Of Nature...

Dear Diary,
Please accept my apologies for not writing to you for the past few days. I was away and internet connection was not at my convenience. I was in Muar and I brought my laptop together with my maxis broadband but I was disappointed. Maxis broadband didn’t impress me. I thought I could get online when I was there but I couldn’t. There was not even a bar of reception. I plugged the USB modem into the port and I waited anxiously for the signal to appear but it didn’t. I was like a kid waiting and hoping for the ice cream man to come only to be disappointed. There I was sitting by the laptop anxious for some miracle to happen, every blink of the light from the modem gave my heart hope that I could get connected but all in vain. I waited until I knew I had to give it up.
How has it been going for you Diary? Has it been good? I am doing fine and I must say that I had a great time in Muar. I drove mum and dad and there were only the three of us. Bro didn’t come along because he was busy studying for his whatever, that I just couldn’t bother to find out. He was always busy studying you know. He already got his degree in engineering and he took a second degree in psychology and just about today I heard him telling mum that he wants to take his master soon after he graduated with his second degree. He is applying for the post of psychiatric position at the Singapore Institute of Mental Health. And I said to myself, oh great now I will have two family members working there and I am sure I will have plenty to hear from them, stories of their days at work. Those will be like my bedtime stories and I can imagine myself trying to look interested listening to their stories. I am picturing mum telling me her share of the stories with her expressions and actions and I am supposed to look very engrossed with my eyes wide open, jaws gawking and the expression in my face must look entertained. Oh Diary, that really was a tall order.
I woke up on Sunday morning to the sound of a cow mooing. I thought I was still asleep and that sound was in my sleep but I only realized the sound came from the outside of my home when I saw the head of a cow peeping at me through the gate of my house’s compound. It was black in colour and for a second I thought I was in a horror movie or something. Mind you Diary, when that was the first thing you saw after you opened your eyes from a deep sound sleep, you cannot imagine of anything else except for the most silly, out of the box, strange and weird things. I looked around me and I didn’t see anyone else. The radio was playing at its almost maximum volume. That must be the work of mum, she always does that and I hate that about her very much. Sometimes I wish I could just tell her in the face to be considerate to those who are still sleeping. But then again, knowing mum, I knew she wouldn’t be appreciative of such reminder. To her, any women regardless married or not must be up from bed as early as six in the morning. If we are still not up yet, she will not wake us up personally but she will use anything and everything under her nose as tools to act as the alarm clock. Oh Diary, I really know mum too well. This time, she uses the radio and Diary, I could just smash the radio so hard if I were still a teenager but I am no longer a teenager now. I am a youth and probably one with high level of tolerance.
I got up still looking outside my house fixing my eyes at the spot where I saw the head of the cow. It was not there. I looked hard again at that spot and yes, there it was but in a different form. I rubbed my eyes and I looked outside again and I saw the body of a calf which is white in colour. I got even more confused and asked myself, how could a cow whose head is black in colour has a cream coloured body? It was so unusual the combination of colours. I walked closer to the door and I realized that there were three of them altogether. There were the female and male cows and there was this one calf. The female and male cows were tied to the trees, so they really couldn’t roam freely but the calf was free. You know Diary, when I saw them I was such a happy woman. I was jumping with excitement and joy was in the air. My goodness Diary, tell me where in Singapore would I get surprises this kind in the morning after sleep? Nowhere! Yeah Diary, it was such a perfect morning being greeted with nothing else but pure nature, the sounds of birds singing, the wind blowing in my face and the sound of the cows echoing through the living room. If anyone would have asked if I feel that I am blessed, yes Diary, I feel that I am blessed at this slightest celebration of being served nature at my doorstep.

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