I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yo Gummy Bear!! You're So Fine!

Dear Diary,
I spent my time at Mid Valley last Friday with my friend whom I have decided to call Gummy Bear. I am calling her Gummy Bear because she reminds me of the cartoon series which was quite popular back in the 1980’s. Gummy Bear and I have known each other for six years now but last Friday was the time we meet each other for the first time. I honestly have forgotten how did we come about the meeting but it was rather spontaneous. You know how I keep in touch with my friends online nowadays don’t you Diary? I love my laptop more now because most of my best friends are in it. Does that sound silly Diary? I communicate with my friends virtually nowadays. It’s like back to the times when I first started to get to know the internet. It keeps me busy and it kinds of distract me from the bitterness that I have tasted in 2008.
I fetched Gummy Bear from her school and the minute I saw her, we just got comfortable with each other. It is probably because we have talked a lot to each other. Although we have not met we were not awkward during the first meeting. She is a nice woman, very kind and sincere and that’s what I like about her. I can just talk anything to her. I teased her a bit and we both laughed at it. It was a very playful meeting. All I wanted to do was to let my hair down and I did. It was good for me because I really managed to de stress myself.
We went karaoke and it was so hilarious! I had a good laugh at our silliness. We were not just singing but we were laughing our hearts out. Oh Diary, you should have been there. She took photos of me while I made faces at the camera. We did nothing but just being girls. Have you heard of the song ‘Girls Just Want to have Fun’? Yes Diary, that was what we did. I was the most mischievious one. Everytime she sings, I pretended to snap picture of her and she would try to get hold of the camera to delete her picture thinking that I really did take her pictures. And you know what I did Diary? I ran and I kept the camera away from her and she would poke her fingers at my tummy and that just tickled me. I punched her on the shoulder playfully and I sat on her lap. She tried pushing me away and the more she tried the more I teased her. She is cute Diary; it’s like a session of teasing instead of karaoke. She laughs easily and hearing her laughter, I laughed along with her.
I didn’t do my best singing this time because I was too busy losing myself. I guess I really let my hair down and for once I totally forgot how to sing well like how I usually do when I go karaoke. There was a time when I couldn’t reach the high note in a song and my voice just went berserk and we had a good laugh at it. You know Diary; it has really been awhile since I became playful. I never had such fun even when I was with Infinity during karaoke. Gummy Bear tickled every part of my sense of laughter. I think I sang more songs that she did but that’s ok because she couldn’t really sing and everytime she had the microphone, I kept giggling and she would try to pinch me. But it was true Diary; you should have listened to how she sang. The first time she sang, I burst out laughing and I just couldn’t stop because she too laughed at it. Do you get what I mean now Diary? We were not serious about anything and everything during the karaoke and that makes it even more fun!
We went to Borders after that and I wanted to look for the tetra logy of Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata. It only had one of his books and it was sold out. So I went browsing for something else and I ended up buying three English books and I stumbled upon one book in Malay that caught my attention. I couldn’t get my eyes off it because it is a true story and I have strong weakness for true story so Gummy Bear bought it for me. I was just teasing her to buy it for me. Honestly I didn’t expect her to buy for me but she did. I tried to stop her from paying but she really insisted to pay so I reluctantly let her. The book’s title is ‘Atas Nama Cinta’ by Isa Kamari. It is a true story of a Dutch girl named Nadra whose real name is Maria Hertogh. Maria was raised by a Malay woman, Aminah as a Muslim during World War II and that’s how the story begins. I have seven unread books to my collections now Diary and I really wonder if I am adding anymore to it.
After Borders, we had donuts at Big Apple and I bought some donuts for us. Big Apple always reminds me of Flying Babe. I remember the times we would spend our time getting our fingers and mouth dirtied with melted chocolate from the donuts. We would always go there after my gym session if she was not flying but all that is left now are just memories. Sometimes, I wished I could repeat those moments again but I know some things are better left where they belong. Like Gummy Bear knows what was on my mind, she asked what happened to my love life. I laughed at her question and I brushed it aside. I just didn’t want to talk about it. I am tired to think about it. I don’t know how to begin telling the story anymore. I still have her pictures where they are. The only thing that remains different is that I have not written to her for a month now. It is very unlikely of me but I think I might write to her one of these days. Gummy Bear understood my laughter and she stopped asking and we talked about something else.
We went to the movies after donuts. It was a happy day out Diary. I guess first of all, I was comfortable with Gummy Bear and she was probably feeling the same too with me. While waiting for the movie to start, we talked a bit and the teasing and playing continued. We giggled and we laughed. It was crazy. The fact about Gummy Bear is, she is humble and I like it. She seems kind and you know that she would be the person that you want to talk to when you are sad because you just know she is comforting. I guess that’s the character that she has been blessed with. While I am just the broken hearted, lonely but healing in denial state woman. *chuckles* Whatever that means Diary.
The movie was great. We chose the double seat so that no one else could sit beside us. I thought we could have the privacy that we would and enjoy the movie in silence but the couple behind us was noisy. They were the kind that has to comment on everything that happened in the movie to each other. Believe me Diary, it was annoying and I felt like shoving up cucumbers into their mouth everytime they made comments about the movie. I kept my cool but they have pushed my button and I turned around and gave the husband a blank stare for 10 seconds before looking away. I thought I scared the husband away but I didn’t and they continued their comments to each other. I think I am not that scary anymore Diary. *Chuckles* we ended up having to watch the movie with the extra sounds at the background from the unpaid unprofessional commentators.
We had dinner after the movie and I sent Gummy Bear back. We talked awhile in the car and she told me she had fun. Well, yeah I had fun too Diary. At least it was a happy outing even if it was just a simple one. Hey Gummy Bear, you have made my day on Friday!! Boo yaahh!!!

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