I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dark Chocolate And London

Dear Diary,

I came back to Subang Jaya last night and I saw Rolly Polly there, waiting for me. I got into the car and we gave each other a hug. We went dinner right after that. It was a simple meal but mouthful. She is trying to watch her diet so we shared a plate of fried Kuey Teow, a bowl of fish ball soup and a plate of fried bean curd skin that has a taste of fish. The meal was a real satisfaction. I supposed both of us enjoyed the meal. We didn’t talk about business instead the conversation we had were just empty talks, nothing heavy at all.

You know Diary sometimes I wonder what if one day Rolly Polly has find herself a girlfriend. Will I be able to spend my time with her like how we do nowadays? That’s the thing about having best friends when both of you are single. People can mistake you as a thing and speculations will go around about you having an affair with your own best friends. Well, you can ignore and brush off what people said but the sad thing about it all is, when one of you has find someone to love to call your own, what will happen to that friendship? I don’t know.

I got home and tried to get online. I couldn’t and it was the same error message. I tried many times to the extent that I restarted my laptop. Still I couldn’t with the same error message. I called Maxis and enquired. Apparently the line has been temporarily barred. My Maxis broadband has been registered under Dark Chocolate. I asked her a favour as I did not want to register under my own name because if I were to do so, I needed to pay extra charges just because I am a foreigner. Dark Chocolate agreed and so the deal is for me to pay my bills promptly to Maxis. You know Diary, at times I wonder to myself what would I do without friends like that. It just feels good and beautiful to have people who are willing to lend that extra help.

Dark Chocolate and I have come a long way. We have been friends for almost ten years now if I got my calculation right. We have fought, quarreled, hugged, cursed and what else have we done together? She is the friend who knows me deep inside. She knows how I have made my dreams come true, she has seen how I was when I hit rock bottom in love, she has been there with me when my brother died from cancer, she was there to give me a shoulder to cry on when I didn’t feel so good and she is still here with me even though distance separates us. There is nothing more that I would ask for from her. She has been a good friend to me and most notably she has been a good person.

Dark Chocolate is in London now. When she first broke the news to me, I felt that my heart sunk a little. Now here she is with nothing but smiles on her face, the friend that I have had in good and bad times telling me straight to my face that she is leaving Malaysia for London. What am I going to do without her? I was thinking that to myself. I didn’t show her my disappointments. I smiled back at her trying hard to look happy for her. What made up for it was the fact that she wouldn’t be long there. She told me it will only be temporary so at least I will have her around again when she comes back but when? I don’t know Diary.

Dark Chocolate is not the kind of friend that I hang out with for coffee or movies or dinner at some fancy restaurant. She is the kind of friend that I would look for when I need opinions, advice, help and most of all moral support. That’s what makes her so special even if we do not hang out that often. No matter what and where I knew deep down inside my heart she will always be there for me. That’s the kind of friend that can last for eternity. My only hope for her, she will think of me as the friend that she is to me. I told her once that I will never fall in love with her because I am afraid that I will lose her forever.

Knowing me, how much I have failed in love, I supposed she just had to agree with me. For the first time, I did not have to put in big efforts at all making her to agree with me. She knows that Diary, she knows how much I have always fancy people to agree with my opinions and suggestions because ultimately, I am a jerk. Stubborn as a bull, that’s what I am. But at that point of time when I told her that, she just agreed with me like as though she has been thinking of the same view too. I have loved her Diary, I still do and the thoughts of her right now far and away can bring tears to my eyes. But I know she is where she wants to be and she is probably doing the things she has always sought after.

“I want to be out of here, Fudge”

Yes, Diary. Those were her exact words and I knew right away she will be happy when she is in London, so I shared her happiness even though I knew I failed to look more thrilled about the news but I think I did okay, pretending to be delighted for her.

Hey Dark Chocolate in case you are reading this, please bear in mind that our camaraderie is as deep as the North Atlantic Ocean, as big as Russia, as sweet as Gula Melaka, as meaningful as the last dollar I would have in my wallet when I am broke. That is the best expression I can think of and it is original, mind you. *winks*

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