I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, November 30, 2009

Having Our Little Paradise On Earth

Dear Diary,

I am back in Singapore with my family. I have left subang jaya for two weeks now and I really wonder how my car is doing. I hope nothing has happened to it and she will be able to start easy when I come back. I think this would be the longest time I have left my car because I will only be back to subang this Saturday so that means it will be a total of eighteen days I have left my car unattended. I installed the driving wheel with the lock I bought. I know professional car thieve syndicates will not have any problem unlocking it but at least that will help deter them from trying. Furthermore, an immobilizer system is pre installed in my car but still I am not quite sure how safe it is from being a victim to car theft.

We left Tangkak at ten in the morning on Sunday. I did not drive back because my brother did not ask me to. I was more than happy and prepared to drive back but since he did not ask me to, I was somewhat disappointed. I love driving long distance. It does not tire me and I like to be behind the wheels. I guess I like to be in control of things that is why I like driving. The journey back to Singapore was smooth. We were not caught in traffic jam. I supposed we made a good decision to leave early. My brother had a company dinner to attend on that evening, thus we were not left with many choices. Nevertheless, it was a good thing though. Although I knew how much mum had wanted to stay longer, she still obliged.

Have I told you about the landscape we have in Tangkak Diary? Do you know how painstakingly we did the landscape only to find that the idea of having grass is impractical as we are hardly there? Every time we come back, we have to mow the lawn and it has really taken its toll on us. Mowing the lawn has become a routine whenever we come back. It is always about lawn mowing, grass cutting, house cleaning and whatever you can think of to keep the house spanking clean. Honestly, I have become tired of it. I want to come back to a holiday house, which I do not have to do any hard work before I am able to enjoy my time there. Furthermore, it is not as though I am going to stay for a week or two every time I am back. I guess mum and dad realized that too and decided unanimously to replace the grass with small pebble stones ceramic. I just think that the idea is brilliant!

We have all the machines and equipments Diary, you name it we have it. Right from water pressure sprayer to lawn mowers to electrical trees pruning saw to wheelbarrow, spade and whatever that a contractor must have, we have them. However, we are just lacking the skills to use them. It was exciting in the beginning because none of us have had hands on experience with the tools. Everybody was just eager and keen to try to use them. Soon, the excitement just died when fatigue took control and we just find that we are not cut out to do all those work anymore. Dad got some minor contractors to do the work for us. Dad gave him some money on Sunday before we left for him to buy the materials. In fact, he already started the renovation works on that morning. Mum was reluctant to leave when the contractors were just starting his job. She said it was a waste that she did not have the chance to cook them lunch and monitor their work. I told her we have paid them enough for them to buy a decent lunch for themselves; they probably can even afford to have a feast with the money we paid them. She nodded and got into the car.

Leaving the house, I imagined how our little landscape would look like once the renovation work is complete. With the garden lamps, stand proudly ready to light up for any onlooker and the wooden gazebo standing tall ready to shelter any passers by from rain or shine. The tress around the landscape giving a magnificent green views and the grassless landscape overlooking the not so panoramic view of the surroundings, I believe and I am sure the little landscape of ours is going to be our little paradise on earth.

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