I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Am I Doing Part 1

Dear diary,

As I am writing this down to you, I am fighting to stay awake to reach to the end of this entry I am going to submit. But then again, will I be able to since I am only at the second line of this entry. And while I am writing to you, I have about four messages waiting for my attention from my instant messaging service. I should have been invisible there because I cannot seem to be writing in peace now. I always have these interruptions which can be a little hard to handle. I do not mind if I am not writing but when I am writing I just need to pay my attention wholly to it and I really do not appreciate interruptions.

How are you doing Diary? It has really been awhile since I last wrote. If I got this right, I think it has been about five months. So, what is new with me? There are a lot of things…so many about me are new. I have been so busy living in two countries, trying to make end meets and achieve my endless goals. *Grins*

For your information, I have sold my drink stall in Putrajaya in September. It was a good decision and I haven’t regretted anything about it since. I suppose I have no time for regret. I have got myself another stall but I sold it away after two weeks of operations. I just don’t know where to begin. There are plenty to tell and I am not sure where to start. Perhaps I shall let you know about the drink stall first. It was a spontaneous decision I felt before Ramadan. The overhead was high and ihave been getting lots of stories about what Infinity thought of me and the stall. The things people just cannot stop from assuming when they feel they are being kept in the dark. Do you get what I mean Diary?

There are too many conflicts about the stall. Too many to the extent of selling it away is the best choice I had. I do not want to have anything to do with Infinity anymore. Our break up was bitter and it has stayed that way eversince. To manage the stall when our relationship was bad is difficult. All the finger pointing, bad mouthing, unhealthy assumptions especially on money matters were too much for me to handle. What is even worst, when I confronted her, she denied so I really do not know who to trust and believe. One thing I know in my two years of relationship with her, Infinity has the tendency to forget what she has said usually. She is not the kind to remember details and I really do not care anymore. I just wanted to get it over and done with. It is sad but a man got to do what a man got to do. If having business together brings nothing but silent grudges and unfounded accusations, then that business is just not worth it.

I set up my own company now. I have a local business partner which is one of the requirements as I am a foreigner. She is Rolly Polly and she is one hell of a strong headed woman, just like me and I always wonder if we are able to get along.

Oh Diary…I have to go…I am so sleepy... I will talk to you again ok. Love you.

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