I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, November 9, 2009

Missing Helplessly...

Dear Diary,

Hey….good morning to you…how are you on Monday morning? I can’t sleep. I dunno, I guess I am thinking of a lot of things lately. I miss her so much you know but I am so afraid to even call her and say that. All I do right now is to write her letters. I tell her stories in my letters and everytime she gets the letters, she would text me and tells her part of the story about what she thinks of the things I wrote in the letter. It has been a year since the break up but I am still embracing the pain. How can I move on when I am still in love with her? You tell me…

Sometimes, I feel so helpless missing her so badly like this but what can I do and what can I say….some things are better to be left the way they are…so that nobody gets hurt because when we do get hurt, the pain is just so unbearable…I have stopped writing to her because I have this feeling that I might have said something wrong in my last letters to her…when she text me, she didn’t really sound happy when she gets the letter…I got so afraid that I stopped myself from writing anymore letters to her…

Diary, what the fuck am I doing to myself? I hate this so much.

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