I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, November 9, 2009

Spending Sunday...

Dear Diary,

I have been having this attack of giddiness quite often and it is actually making me worried a bit. Everytime when I have the attack, I feel that my surroundings move in circles. When that happens, I have to stop doing whatever I am doing and shut my eyes to wait for a few seconds till the giddiness stops. That’s what I have to do to overcome the pain. I probably have to drink lots of water. Water is food to the brain as it gives oxygen to it. When our brain lacks water that also means the brain lacks oxygen. But then again, I have been drinking lots of water and I am sure my brain is not oxygen deprived so I really don’t know what causes the headache. Anyway, I will go for a check up soon if the headache and giddy persist.

I went to my aunt’s place this afternoon. She is going to Mecca and she hosted a kenduri at her house. There were lots of food and they were not the typical kenduri food. They are not special neither they are extraordinary. They are just food which we have for lunch or dinner daily. That’s what I am talking about Diary. My aunt served us ikan pari asam pedas, sotong sambal, bergedil, sayur urap, ayam goreng, lemak nangka, laksa, curry puff and some kueh mueh. On a typical kenduri feast, those foods are not usually served.

What I am trying to say is Diary, times have changed and everything around it changes too. Customs and traditions have not been practised like how they used to be practised in the olden days. I still remember when I was young, everytime I went for a kenduri event, the food for feast served were usually chicken, beef, mutton beriyani, roti kirai with chicken curry, nasi ambang and traditional Malay kueh. The food will be served to us and we would eat them together. There were lots of cutleries and plates and bowls to be used because when the foods were served to us, they were served in bowls or plates. Each portion is for four persons and if there are thirty or fifty guests attending the kenduri, imagine how many kitchenwares are to be used for that event. So there are really lots or hard works when someone decides to host a kenduri event. And that is the time when we see the ‘gotong royong’ spirit in the Malay society. Everybody helps with the chores be it cooking, cleaning, serving and even hosting. It is sad to say that we don’t really get to see that too often nowadays especially in Singapore. People choose to serve different kind of foods and they usually have the foods serve buffett style. No longer we will see glass plates or bowls, all that will be used is the styrofoam plates, bowls and cups. Convenience and practical are the priorities now replacing typical practices of ethnicity.

The house was filled with many relatives and I didn’t really enjoy myself because my best cousin sister was not there. Every corner of the house was filled with people and I found it hard to find a spot for myself where I could just hang out. In the end, I found my way to the kitchen and ended up helping my aunties to serve the food. There was not much to do but I think I was just trying to escape from having conversations with my older cousin sisters. I have always escaped to the kitchen whenever I wanted to save myself from being bombarded with questions that I just do not wish to answer. You see Diary, the kitchen is where there is most works to do. When there are a lot of tasks to do, people won’t have the time to make conversations with you because everybody is so busy trying to finish their tasks. So that’s how I saved myself from unwanted situations.

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