I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, November 13, 2009

Having A Paranoid As A Housemate

Dear Diary,

I just had a bowl of mushroom soup to start the night. Being at home alone is something that I have missed so much. It’s been awhile and it sure feels different this time. Since moving out of the old house I have never really spent a lot of time alone. I always had friends coming over the house to spend the night with me or I would be sleeping over my friend’s house. I cooked myself lunch this afternoon and I had a good time enjoying it even by myself, alone.

I had a misunderstanding with Paranoid yesterday and it was all because of her paranoia. I grew sick of it and you should have seen how she tried to convince me to believe her. You know about Paranoid don’t you Diary? She is about six years younger than I am but I have never met someone young like that with that kind of mentality, attitude and personality. The more I am around her the more I get irritated by her.

I was in Tangkak last weekend with Rolly Polly and that freak housemate of mine that I named Paranoid. I didn’t have the intention to bring her along but as I was packing, she came up to me with her retard ways asking if she could tag along. I wanted to say no but knowing what she has been through I said yes. You see Diary, Paranoid may be a truly Malaysian. She was born and breed here so I supposed naturally everybody would think she would have more friends than I do. However, that isn’t the way. She has no friends. She does everything alone and that includes watching movie. She spends most of her time alone even during the weekends. She just quit her job recently because she told me she was not feeling comfortable working there. She claimed that she was harassed mentally and nobody in her office likes her that much. So since she has no job, no friends but has all the time in the world, I decided to take her along.

The trip was fine except when Paranoid did some blunders. I supposed she just does not know how to carry herself with people. When we were having dinner, she took out a fifty ringgit bill and asked me how do we pay for the food. So I said we will go dutch.

‘Eh, pakai duit aku dulu tapi kau kena bayar aku balik.’

That was what she said. I was taken aback when she said that. I got offended that moment. I just thought to myself she didn’t have to say that. Rolly Polly and I would have paid her even if she didn’t remind us. As adults we don’t do that to friends who eat at the same table with us. It is rude to be saying that. We don’t remind people to pay us back for the food we ate together. I have never done that to anybody. I don’t need to. Whatever that I have spent on food with the people I hang out with. I would just consider it as my treats if it happens that they do not pay me their share. I do not tell them now and then to pay me back. That is the art that Paranoid has to learn and I can see the reason now why she is lacking friends for comfort.

I started to ask myself if she had forgotten that I didn’t ask her to chip in for petrol and toll for the whole trip. My parents came by and took us to a delicious seafood dinner and still we didn’t even ask her to pay her share because like I said, you don’t behave like that with people you share the same food on the same table. It is just rude. Afterall we don’t see the need for her or Rolly Polly to pay their share because it is absolutely unnecessary. So you see Diary why I seriously think that Paranoid is a paranoid? She failed to see the bigger picture and she really has to learn how to carry herself in front of people before she ends up a loner and a looney.

A few days after we came back from Tangkak, Paranoid told me that she has this feeling that she is being followed or watched by people from her old office. I was speechless. She did not know who is it but she senses it from her instincts. Something happened in her old office that made her quit. She stepped on some toes and ever since then she felt that her phone was bugged, her desktop was installed with some surveillance device and ultimately her privacy was invaded, so to speak.

She has told me her plights. Initially I was sympathetic and shared her predicaments. However, after awhile I began to see that she is somehow hallucinating or something. Paranoid is known to be unusual, that’s what she is to me. I can never hang out with her. I can only take her as my housemate and anything more than that just freaks me out. We don’t share the same wavelength thus I definitely do not and will not consider her as a friend.

When she started to tell me that she feels she is being followed and those close to her might also be followed, I just cannot bring myself to stomach her theories. I couldn’t tolerate her any longer so I told her what I really think. Whatever that has happened or she thinks has happened to her is from her own creations. If she had known how to carry herself and if she had known how to handle things she wouldn’t be having any issues with anybody at her work place. I would have understood about office politics and what it is all about. Everybody has problems trying to get along with everybody in the office but you don’t have to be an individual. She tried so hard to be an individual and she ends up screwing herself. I have brought friends over to the house and out of ten; eight told me they think that my housemate is a weirdo. So you tell me now Diary, who has the problems now? If she is not part of the solutions then she is a part of the problems.

There were many things that I said to her, about how she didn’t handle the situations well when we had some problems back at the old house. She had to ask her father and her brother to talk to interfere. I was a witness of the whole chaos and I really didn’t see the need why Paranoid had to do that. She and infinity are cousins and she should have been able to handle the case but she didn’t. So that just said it all. Paranoid is not matured enough to settle things on her own. She misunderstood me several times when I tried to talk some sense into her and I just gave up. In the midst of defending and explaining herself, I slammed the door right infront of her face and I told her to go look for a shrink. Even that, she got me wrong which I am too tired to tell Diary. It is just endless with her. I will just stick to being her housemate for now.

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