I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Design That Does Not Serve Its Purpose

Dear diary,

I went to Nilai 3 the other day with Rolly Polly but I didn’t get to see any of the shop there. It was ironic because it was the first time I was there and I didn’t manage to buy or even window shop. You see Diary, I was not looking for any particular items or products but being there somehow will encouraged me to buy something. It is just natural like that. We left home at half past one and we got there at two in the afternoon. It was not that far from Bangi. It was just a straight drive there on the expressway. Our journey was smooth and I could say that there were no hiccups.

Since both of us had not had our lunch yet, we decided to have lunch. There was not any good eating place there. The food courts were mostly vacant and left unattended like as though the hawkers knew they have no one to impress. Looking for a place to eat while I was there made me wonder just where do the shop keepers go for their meals. Finally, we found a stall that had decent number of dishes served although nothing they had really boost my appetite but since we were handicapped on choices and varieties, we had to settle for it. We were lucky to have finished our meals early because five minutes after that, it started pouring heavily. Although we were in a sheltered almost empty food court, still the rain water managed to get to our skins. Those who were in the middle of their meals had to seek shelter from the food vendors fly sheet and of course there were also some who had to be creative; they ate their meals under their umbrellas.

Now Diary, you must be wondering why people would rush to seek for shelters at an already existing shelter. The shelter of the food court looked like it can withstand rain without any flaws but looking at its design, I just don’t get what the designers or the architect or the developer were thinking when they designed and built that shelter. It looked new and strong and sturdy, there were no holes in it due to wear and tear neither was it rusty. They looked fine and the space the shelter covers was the size of a soccer field. I studied the shelter and I realised that the shelter had gaps at the very top of the roof. There were two roofs; one on top of the other, and there were gap in between the roofs. The gap actually allows air and sun to enter into the food court so that’s how the rain got into the food court. If the gap is to ventilate the place, I can say that it’s the most stupid design of shelter I have ever encountered. First of all, the food court has not got any shutters. It was not a warehouse neither was it a futsal court or a badminton court. There was plenty of ventilation the place can get from the entrance because there were no entrances at all. If they wanted to have gaps in between roofs, then they must design gaps that hinder the rain from coming through. All I can say that it was a shoddy piece of work and I wonder did the design not went through any scrutiny before it is endorsed?

Since the shelter did not do a good job sheltering us, and the rain was too heavy to be window shopping (even with a golf size umbrella), we decided to run back to the car and drive back home. That was how I spent my Wednesday Diary. Drove about twenty minutes to Nilai 3, had lunch at a very disinteresting food court, got partially wet in a sheltered covered food court the size of a football field, ran to my car under the heavy pouring rain and then drive home. Tell me honestly, are you laughing at me now or are you shaking your head in disbelieve?

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