I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, September 9, 2004

Feverish Thursday

Dear diary, I am still down with fever and it looks like it is not subsiding. The cough is killing me and my chest hurts everytime I cough. I have not been to the doctor but I have been taking panadols and I drink plenty of water. I hope the cough will stop cos I have a wedding to attend this Saturday and I have to help out with the serving of food and cleaning and it would be uncomfortable if I still have the cough. My body is burning up and my knees are always weak.
I went make up shopping this afternoon. I bought Red earth products by Esprit cos I am a member and entitled to 20% discount. I bought one lipstick, eyeshadow and a blusher. They look good on me and I am happy with the colour that I picked.
Little sister emailed me and I was so happy and glad she did. She had been busy but she has been dreaming about me a lot. She is so cute and adorable, I am still trying to recall how her voice sounds like. I always like to hear her speak cos she can sound so manja and naughty. I like manja and naughty girls. I worte her a long email just now and I asked her to tell me what has she been up to lately.
I have called Darul Arqam and enquired about the Quran reading classes and it looks like I have to wait till next year cos there are only 3 cycles of lessons conducted yearly and I have missed the last cycle. I hope to learn how to read it fast cos I do not want to waste anymore time. I think I will be comfortable in Darul Arqam cos it is a sister organisation of MUIS and it is the body responsible for the welfare of Muslims Converts in Singapore. I guess the course participants there are mostly non-malays who are Muslim converts. Mostly are adults and I am sure I will not be the only adult there to learn Quran. The teachers there are all qualified azatizah and they have only one purpose to be there; to spread the teachings of Islam and share their knowledge of it without having any other irrelevant or personal agendas. Darul Arqam is a recognised body by the Singapore Islamic Council and I can be sure that I won?t get sidetracked to other unlawful religious activities. I can?t wait to get started.
Guitarist and the voice sent me a couple of sms and we exchanged news. They are fine and I hope they will be strong to face all obstacles that lie ahead of them. They are my best friend and I love them so much. They are the two most trusted persons. I always feel save whenever I am with them cos I know we will take care of each other through thick and thin. I told them about my intention of learning the Quran and they encouraged me like they always do. They are the friends that I can really be comforable with. I can shout and yell and tease them mercilessly but yet we will remain friends still. We have had our fair share of fights and disagreements but the bond we have built between ourselves is stronger than steel and harder than rocks and nothing can tear that apart. I hope to bring little sister to meet them some day. I want to introduce little sister to them and I am sure they will be as natural as they have always been. Those two are really something to me. I guess my life would be boring without friends like them.
You know diary, as I am writing to you now, I am also admiring my new watch!! Hahaha?geeezz I guess I will never change. It really looks nice on me. and now out of a sudden I am thinking of my late brother. I miss him diary, I miss him so much. I just wish that I were given a chance to hug him. Many of my memories with him are coming back to me now and I am trying so hard to hold back my tears. I am sorry for him to be the chosen one among our siblings to leave this world first. I am sorry for him not to be able to achieve his dreams. I am sorry for him not to be able to taste mum's cooking anymore.

I am so sorry for him to be very sick during his last few days with us. I just miss him so much diary. I have been missing him everyday of my life since he left me. I think about him when he was a kid. How he taught me how to count money and coins. How we played together when we were kids. How he took care of me when we were in primary school. How he had use his pocket money to buy me an eraser just to comfort me. Please God give me the strength to carry on, give me the support that I need. Please have mercy on him?please?

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