I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, September 10, 2004

what's wrong with the world?

dear diary, the news on TV showed that the Australia Embassy in Indonesia was bombed and they have suspected the Jemaah Islamiah is responsible for it. i am not sure if it is JI who is responsible cos looking at the casualties, many are locals. the world is going crazy and it is a misery to know that it is unsafe to go anywhere anymore.
all these violence by Islamic extremist is a sign that we can never put a stop to such acts and they are going to be more of such incidents again. there are so many violents on earth nowadays till the extent that we live in fear. i wish that the world will become a safer place to live in but i know it is impossible because no country can agree with the policies of another country and as long as america is going to dominate everything and the tension in the middle east is not solved, there is little chance of living in harmony.
i went to buy a pair of disposable contact lens for myself cos i need to use it tomorrow for the wedding. it's a turn off to be wearing spectacles on wedding like that. but i feel a little blurish and uncomfortable. i feel like there is something in my eyes. anyway, i think i better get used to it cos i am going to wear contacts often now. you know, i have been wearing spectacles since i was 12 but i never really taken seriously about wearing it cos i hate to wear spectacles. it makes me feel like there's something on my nose and i hate that feeling. i have got 4 pairs of spectacles now and i hardly wear them and my eyesight is getting from bad to worse. i always have to squint my eyes to be able to read signboards and menus hung on the wall of cafes or fastfood restaurants. it can be annoying actually. i often have to take the front seats everytime i go to the movies.
little sister was hospitalised for two days last week. i am disturbed by the news but i am praying hard to God for her. i love her so much and i hope she will be blessed with good health always. it is so unfair and if i can do a miracle, i would cure her from what she is suffering.
i saw the news about the prince of Brunei's wedding. i saw the bride who is half swiss and malay. she reminded me of aramis. they look alike only that aramis is older. i am still staying away from aramis. frankly i don't know what to do and how to react with her. i miss her so much but i know if i were to carry on with the relationship, someone might get hurt. she's too complex and mysterious but i knew i love her even before we met. 5 years of frienship is not easy to let go. forgetting her is like asking me to live without water. just imagine what would happen to me if i do that. for these past few days i keep thinking of all the girls that have left footprints in my heart. some are still in touch with me while others have dissolve moving on with their lives. i can only keep the memories i had with them and i wish them success and happiness and may they are always blessed with good health.

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