I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, September 24, 2004

loneliness knows me by name...

dear diary, as i am trying to ignore the feeling of loneliness, i cannot help but to think of aramis. i have been missing her and i always wonder what would she be doing right now. is she missing me like how i am missing her? it's hard when you get yourself to be emotionally involved with a person. it's not easy to forget the things we shared. everyday i am hoping to receive a message from her telling me how much she has missed me. it came but i didn't know how to react. sometimes, i wish i never knew her so that i will not have a hard time living to forget her. if there is one woman that has touched my heart like no one else, it must be aramis. she's so different from the rest, like a rare gem.

people like her is not easy to come by. she breaks my heart many times and i can only forgive and forget. i guess this is what love is isn't it? you tend to overlook the flaws in the relationship that others see and everything she does seem alright to you even how much you are hurting inside. i guess it is true that what goes around comes around. i have hurt other girls who have love me like blood and now i am being hurt by one woman whom i have love like blood. i chuckle to myself sometimes thinking how i have deserved it. i just love her so much that i keep on hoping and praying that no one will ever hurt her even after how much she has hurt me. she is one woman whom i can say has succeeded in stealing my heart away. i love aramis forever! *chuckle*

i'm going skating tonight probably with cyclist and the rest. i am going to perfect my downhill and uphill skills. there's a park near my house and it has two very high slopes. i have tried twice and i did ok. i am going to try the zig zag skill of going downhill so that i will not wear out my brake pad fast. i have tried going downhill straight without criss crossing to reduce the speed, it worked but it only wear out my brake pad fast. it is fun and i cannot wait to try. furthermore, it really takes a lot of energy and stamina to climb those steep slopes up the hill and it can do wonders to my hip and bud! *giggles* i have been maintaining my weight but i have not lost it. this time round, i am sure i will lose some weight. i think i will pant like a dog and i will sweat like a marathon runner but i am sure it's going to be fun.

nothing is more exciting and fulfilling than doing your favourite sport to be in better shape. i need to get a new set of protective gear as mine has worn out and they stink especially the wrist guard. my elbow and knee guard are still in good condition, however i think i will still get a complete set. it would be cheaper like that. i skated for long distance last week without wearing the complete set of protective gear and i feel quite unsafe. i think i will make it a habit to wear my elbow and wrist guard next time. i need to get more sports bra and singlets as well. there's a Adidas boutique near here where it sells mostly old stocks and most of them are going at 50 percent off the original price. i think i have to make a visit to that shop soon.

little sister called me the other time and she heard my coughing voice. i didn't think it was bad but she think it is and she sent me an email the next day reminding me to go to the doctor. i read her email laughing and smiling at her cuteness. she is just so adorable. the thing that tickled me so much was the thought of her as my little sister, nagging at me telling me to go see the doctor otherwise she will drag me out of the house. i imagined my little sister, standing infront of me nagging with both hands on her hips, face looking very stern trying to make me scared of her. the thought of that couldn't stop me from laughing. she is so sweet. you know that she has found a donor haven't you? you know, when i heard the news, i was jumping with joy and only God knows how thankful i am. it's so difficult to get a matching bone marrow for lueakemia patients. *pray that the operation will go smoothly* i am tired diary, my friend is waiting to skate. got to go. i'll write again ok.

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