I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

skating craze...

dear diary, i spent my weekend skating at east coast park. i can say that it's a skating heaven for most skaters. it has this long stretch of paths that has been designated for cyclist and skaters and what's more it's by the beach. it's my third time skating there and i can tell you that it's been a great pleasure. i could go there every weekend to skate but it's the distance that's been hindering. furthermore, singapore has many place to skate so it's really not a problem. but i love to skate at ECP as it is commonly known. the paths are smooth and there are many to watch as well. there are so many activities you can do over there. fishing, swimming, skating, cycling, camping, drinking, eating, bowling, playing snooker, beach games, rent challets and so much stuffs people do at the beach.

there are many skaters over there as well. it's a popular spot for skaters. i saw one girl who did a backward skating and she caught my attention. it's not like i didn't know how but i guess i was afraid i might slip and fall. i don't mind doing it unless i have become good at it. there's a skating rink near my house and i often practise there. i fall all i want over there and i injure myself all i want. there's not many skaters who look at you there. i am comfortable trying it there first.

experts say skating is a good form of cardiovascular exercise and it has been proven that skaters lost and burn more calories than cyclist and joggers. i have always been interested in anything with wheels except for skateboards. i find skateboards noisy and skateboarders have tarnish the sport as a nuisance. a lot of public properties have been damaged by irresponsible skateboarders and it's a shame to the sport.

skating has many different categories, i think i am more into recreational and cross training. i don't do agressive stunts but just simple tricks and stunts. it's fun when you know how, thanks to the infrastructures of singapore, skaters have the freedom to skate wherever they are. i switched my wheels last night and i cleaned them as well. the wheels have not completely worn out but i think i will buy the wheels just to keep stock while they are going cheap now.

have i told you that the skate shop i frequent is moving away and they are having this major sale for most items. wheels can be expensive when you are an active skater and needs to replace the wheels often. a good piece can cost up to 12 dollars for a piece. recreational skates usually have 4 wheels one one side and a pair of skates has 8 pieces of wheels. imagine paying 12 dollars a piece for 8 pieces of wheels and how much would a speed skater pay since they have to replace 10 wheels? but i still don't think rollar blading is an expensive sports. you don't need to buy any membership, you can skate anywhere anytime on flat grounds, you don't need sophisticated equipments to skate. it's so simple as ABC. it's a no season sports and you only can't skate when the surface is wet and slippery. so if there is an indoor skating rink, you can still skate even if it rains outside.

i am interested in becoming an instructor but i have to go for courses first. maybe i will go after i have completed my level 4 lessons. i still need to learn a lot of things. i love skating so much that i think i will still do it even when i still have the energy even when i am old. it's a great feeling to be able to feel the wind in your face when you are moving at high speed, not by car, not by motorcycles and not by bicycles but with a pair of skates!! you know diary, when i am on skates and going downhill, i can feel the adrenalin rush and the feelings are so magnificent! it's amazing and it's a good feeling, i can almost feel like i am flying.

ohh well, i am getting all emotional again. i need to get a few safety lights that i can attach to my skates and body because i always go for night skating. i seldom wear my helmet anymore but i still wear partial protective gears. i don't want any scratches or bruises anymore. i think the helmet safe me many times from unwanted brain cracks. there was a time when i was doing scissoring, i slipped and fell backwards, hitting my head hard on the floor that it gave out a loud bang. the second time was when i was doing night skating to sembawang park and it was so dark that i had a hard time seeing the condition of the road. there were many debris and portholes on the road and the surface was not at all close to smooth. it was rough and uneven, i was going downhill and the skate picked up speed, i ran over some debris and tried to avoid a big porthole when i slipped and fell backwards again hitting my head once again so hard on the road. i was sure if i had not worn my helmet, i would have had a slight injury at the head.

i planned to go there again maybe on one of these weekends and bring the rest of the skaters there. i guess we need lots of torchlights and a high sense of alertness. i also plan to rent a challet at ECP and bring my parents there to watch me skate. maybe they can rent the bicycles while my brother and i skate. it would be fun having the family together on an outing like that. and perhaps we can barbecue as well. my parents would love it very much. ermm, diary, all these talk reminds me of my late brother. i just wish that he's still alive...oh god, i miss him so much...

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