I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, September 25, 2010

All Play And No Work Makes Me A Poor Girl

Dear Diary,

My house is sold once again and I hope this time the deal goes through without any problems. The buyer is a Filipino couple who holds Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) status. When they came to view the house, I kind of get the feeling that they could be my buyer and I was right. It was not easy to close the deal with them as they initially offered the cash over valuation (COV) very low than what I asked for. It was so much lower than what my previous offer was. I had to counter offer them and the process altogether took about 4 days before they agreed on the price, terms and conditions.

I am glad that the house is sold so I can proceed with new listings and leads. My schedule has been a little haywire lately. I have got many leads from iproperty since I signed up as a member and I roughly have ideas of what to do now. I went to the office yesterday afternoon to get my manager to teach me a little of the documentations process. I got myself familiar and when they came to sign the agreement, I was sure I did not show any sign of clumsiness or ignorance. Perhaps there was a couple of times I needed to ask the co-broke agent before I filled up the option to purchase forms but those questions were general and I am sure any other agents would do the same because it concerns the buyer and it is only appropriate we asked the agent that represents the buyer.

I guess everybody in my family is happy with the deal. It is my first HDB sale transaction and I am happy about it even though it is my own house. Well, it is the process of handling it that I will learn and how much benefits it will be to me. My Manager gave me a little prep talk when I met him and I know I have not been discipline enough. He had noticed that I have lost some weight and I told him that it must have been the farming I do regularly. Only God knows how true it is. I have not been farming regularly. I don’t even know what I am doing.

Farming does not give me the result I had wanted but I am not giving up. It is just that I know I have to do it often and regularly. I have decided that I want to make the Malay society my target market and so I must not stop farming. Even my manager told me that when he did farming, he did not get the kind of result he wanted. Most calls are for room rentals and it is kind of taxing to handle room rentals. I guess most senior agents would agree with me but then again, if room rentals are the only available listings for me coming from the farming I did, why not? It is good for the practice actually.

Since I joined the property industry in Singapore, I have noticed how many opportunities there are if I am just discipline and hardworking enough to steal every opportunity that comes knocking on my door. I know it is not easy, it has never been easy but there are a lot of opportunities. Focus is what I have to do to excel and viewing is what I have to have to make money. Thinking of how I have progress, I can honestly say that I have not break my habit that I have developed when I was living in Subang Jaya. Oh Diary, it is true that the hardest thing to break is your habit. I am slowly breaking it, I am. I just need time and I am pretty sure I will get back right on track. How I miss those days when I was once so hardworking that I have been called a workaholic. Oh geez…Diary, what is wrong with me?

I supposed it is time for me to realize that I have loads of responsibilities in the near future. Seriously, there are many things that I have to think about. Play time is over now. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy but all play and no work makes me a  poor girl. Diary, don't give up on me ok.

Take care Diary, I will write again.

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